69-year-old Linda had experienced hard times and was ready for a fresh start. So, who better to give her one than The Makeover Guy himself?

Christopher Hopkins is known worldwide for his glamorous transformations that leave his clients feeling like royalty.
But Linda’s results are on a whole other level of gorgeous. The internet’s jaw has been on the floor seeing the new Linda – who was left looking like she was fit for Hollywood.

Most people begin losing pieces of themselves as they get older. But with a little help, it can be possible to turn back the hands of time in some areas (at least slightly, anyways).
Linda traveled all the way from Panama to Minneapolis, Minnesota where Christopher’s salon is located.

However, she’s not the only one to get on a plane for a new hairdo. When it comes to The Makeover Guy, people travel from all over just to sit in his stylist’s chair.
One woman even flew across the ocean from the UK to see Christopher! But in her case, the results were worth it too.

Linda was over the moon having the chance to revamp herself. She was like a little schoolgirl being in MAKEOVERGUY Appearance Studios, which seems to be quite an amazing place for rejuvenation.
On his website they describe what you can expect to experience there:
“Relax as you taken back to a 19th century parlor. Beautifully furnished with one-of-a-kind antique pieces and housed with salvaged woodwork and fixtures from Minneapolis and Christopher’s home town in rural Minnesota. Then, step back stage to our mid-century inspired theatrical studio. Surrounded with retro inspired, salvaged fixtures and furnishings, you will gently renewed to a more beautiful you made ready to make your entrance into the world of today.”
If that doesn’t sound like Heaven on earth, I don’t know what does! Let’s just say Linda was in good hands.

As for what Linda was hoping for? She explained to the camera that she just wanted to “feel refreshed and have a great time.”
She also expressed her joy in the interview, saying:
“I’m so excited, I can’t believe it! I’ve been giggling all morning.”

Linda walked through the doors with brownish, graying hair that she usually pinned up. She knew it had some curl to it, although she didn’t do anything to enhance it.
Finally, it was time for Christopher to get to work.
When you’re in The Makeover Guy’s chair you can trust that you’ll turn out looking dynamite. He’s worked on famous celebrities, wrote a best-selling book, and was even a guest stylist back in the days of The Oprah Show.
And it’s not only a new hairstyle makeover, but his clients get makeup and wardrobe advice as well.

When Linda’s new look is revealed, all that comes to mind is va-va-voom!
Christopher went with the decision to dye her blonde, a hair color Linda hadn’t seen since her 20s. He also pumped up her curls and she received a stunning face of makeup too. Let’s just say Linda’s completely unrecognizable (in a good way).
People on the internet have been blown away by the results. Many compare her to a movie star, while others are amazed by Christopher’s ability to work true magic.

The best part though is that Linda herself is happy too. She admits she feels “younger” and more “refreshed” – even saying, “I’m smiling, I haven’t smiled in years.”
It’s a makeover that’s been viewed more than 400,000 times on YouTube. Press play below to see the fabulous new Linda!
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