Johannes Stötter Creates Incredible Works Of Art That Blend His Body Into His Work
WOW! Her body art camouflages her perfectly in the rocks!
Jenny Brown

Johannes Stötter is an Austrian artist who has an eye for impeccable detail. He specializes in photorealistic body paintings, and his works of art are absolutely mind-blowing. A self-taught artist, Johannes has captivated audiences worldwide ever since he first made a name for himself in the art world at the 2009 World Bodypainting Festival in Austria.

Johannes loves nature, and his art seeks to combine the natural environments in their candid form with the human body. He creates surreal illusions from this culmination and seamlessly blends his body into nature. It’s almost like an optical illusion!

Check out his rock art below. Johannes has camouflaged himself in a pile of rocks, but can you tell where he is exactly?


What’s most impressive about Johannes’s work is how he pays attention to all the little details. Here, he paints each “rock” on his body the appropriate color and design so that it blends in with all the other rocks. It must have been incredibly difficult and tedious!

Watch the video below to learn more about Johannes’s work.

Please SHARE this artist’s amazing artwork with your Facebook friends.

[Source: Johannes Stötter]
