Cats are used to spending a lot of their time alone, and they like it that way.
While dogs are broken-hearted every time we leave for the day, cats tend to stretch out and enjoy their peace and quiet. Assuming they don’t live with an energetic dog, that is.
So since everyone has been working from home due to self-distancing and quarantine, some cats are going through a bit of an adjustment period.

Lucky for them, Coronavirus is not transmittable from humans to pets, so they’re still free to roam outside!
I’ve never wanted to be a cat so badly before in my life.
They can go outside when they please, catching mice, climbing trees, rolling around in the grass, breathing in the fresh air. Ah, yes. I remember those days.

When this Reddit user noticed his cat, Biter, had been missing from inside the house for quite some time, he went to investigate.
u/Rick1771 (the user’s Reddit handle), posted this hilarious photo to r/pics after finally finding his beloved cat outdoors…

This takes “hanging out” to a new level.
And if you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that he managed to catch it on camera! He could have found Biter well before or shortly after, and would have been none the wiser to her little mishap.
It’s reminiscent of a tragic scene we know all too well, featuring another species of cat. Mufasa. Long… live… the King!
Fortunately, there are no wildebeests stampeding below ol’ Biter there. Because she is really hanging on for dear life.
And honestly, during this quarantine… aren’t we all?

The photo has pulled in over 116k upvotes on Reddit, in addition to multiple “awards”, which are bought by users who then dole them out to their favorite posts.
Rick1771 posted another photo the next day. This time of him with his adorable fluffy cat, Biter, who evidently survived the tree catastrophe.
“She fell (very elegantly) right after this but don’t worry she’s completely fine!” – Rick1771
If would die for this cat. Look at that face!

Bonus: if you look at the reflection of the TV screen you can see the photographer doing their darnedest to keep the cat’s attention for the perfect photo. And it worked!
Being outside is nothing new for Biter, she’s a seasoned climber.
Some Reddit users were worried she’d gotten herself into trouble, but Rick1771 assured everyone that Biter knew what she was doing, even though it didn’t seem like it.
“She loves to climb! And she usually doesn’t end up like this lol”
Is there anything cuter than an adventure cat? No. No there is not.

And I’m not alone. The people of Reddit are fawning over little Biter and the hilarious situation she was caught in.
I would kill to know the back story.
Some people suggested that instead of hanging on for one of her nine lives, she may actually have been working out.
Silly us… that must be what was going on!

This is what all of us humans pretend we’re going to do during quarantine… but instead of working out to Eye of the Tiger, we’re watching Tiger King on Netflix with a bowl of chips in hand.
Close enough.
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