Mail carriers don’t have the easiest of jobs. They brave all sorts of nasty weather conditions ranging from frigid temperatures to pouring rain and blistering heat.
They also have to contend with pesky birds divebombing them, exuberant dogs barking at and chasing them, and spiders weaving webs in mailboxes. The hazards are huge yet these men and women dedicate themselves to bringing citizens their mail no matter the hurdles they face.
Mail carrier Debra Anderson has the craziest challenge along her mail route. It’s not as nutty as the wild turkey that chases the mail carrier truck, but it is sure to make everyone laugh.
No amount of job training could have prepared Debra for what she encounters on a daily basis…
A furry tuxedo cat with the sweetest green eyes named Jasmine isn’t exactly the biggest fan of the mail delivery person. But Debra just can’t wait for her daily dose of crazy cat.
“I love my job so much and this cat truly makes my day.”
Every single day when Debra begins to approach a particular home in a neighborhood in Hamilton, the cat that lives there gets ramped up for its assault. Debra, a Canada Post Letter Carrier, finds the feisty cat to actually be adorable although the cat seems to have it out for her.
“It is the highlight of my route and I love him! Scarier than any dog yet…. Pretty sure he would rip my face off if the glass window didn’t keep him in.”
Debra assumes the cat is protecting its home from all of the hazards outdoors, a category Debra apparently falls into.
Attack kitty is quite a ferocious little ball of fur and gives Debra a good chuckle every day when she delivers the mail to its home.
She even recorded a couple of visits to the home just to show how chaotic her job can be when it comes to rambunctious, rowdy critters like Jasmine the crazy cat.
Debra records herself walking briskly onto Jasmine’s front porch and lifting the lid of the mailbox to slip the mail in there. Suddenly, the cat bodyslams itself against the front picture window, arms outstretched and its face plastered against the glass. It meows psychotically at Debra but she doesn’t take it personally.
In a second recording of delivering mail to Jasmine’s house, the cat jumps out from behind the sheer black and white curtains and scares the bejeebers out of Debra. The feline frantically bangs its body against the picture window. She speaks nicely to the cat through the glass, but it wants nothing to do with her niceties.
“The cat’s nuts man. I love it though.”
Can you imagine just what the cat might do if it escaped around the time Debra steps foot in its yard? We bet if Debra brought some catnip and tuxedo kitty gave her a second chance, they just might hit it off. Maybe…
Watch the video below and see exactly what kitty does to freak out Debra. Thank goodness she’s such a good sport!
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