Little Girl Gives All The Sass Being Put In Time Out
She holds nothing back speaking her mind.
Eduardo Gaskell

Toddlers. Tiny humans who walk and talk A LOT. Sure it can be difficult to understand what they’re saying but these little people make it a point to get their message across. See, they experience all the emotions but just have different ways of processing them, hence an explosion of gestures and babbling that surprises even the toughest of adults.


Well Steve Harvey, yes THAT Steve Harvey, played this clip on his show of a sassy three year old who’s got all the spunk a grown woman has, on full display for her preschool teacher all caught on film.

Steve had a request for his audience before playing the clip though.

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No parent would allow their kid to get away with bad behavior. So Steve went on to say that the video would be played and should be viewed from a “comedic standpoint”. He asked them not to get mad at the little girl. Must be serious. Let’s find out then.

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This fighter of a three year old is in time out for just being naughty. You know, kids stuff. Well this little lady is not happy about it at all.

Listen to her teacher,

“You’re supposed to be back in time out. I didn’t say get out. You in jail and time out.”

Now that would normally intimidate anyone, but not this toddler.

“Well, let me tell you. Listen, Linda.”

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The thing is, this teacher’s name isn’t even “Linda”. Oops. So naturally, the teacher wasn’t very happy about the on going situation.

“My name ain’t Linda. So you sit right there in time out, little bad, little girl.”

The three year old thunder wasn’t done. She wasn’t having it.

“Look, let me tell you something. If I wasn’t here, I would surely take a day off from you and then a day off from these kids. All around the classroom, I was done with you!”

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Sounds like something her teacher would actually say given the situation. But no, the feisty little girl had that mouthful to say.

The teacher and her formidable but diminutive adversary went on, back and forth, until the toddler had this to say,

“Well, when I get up out of of time out and go in the back, I will be glad to go home and enjoy the rest of my life.”

This kid should be in professional wrestling. Give her a mic and let her cut a promo!

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Well after the entire video was played to the amusement of Harvey’s audience, Steve made another request for his viewers which would make the situation even funnier.

He tells them to watch it again. The entire clip. And then imagine it as a drunk person instead of this thunderous three year old toddler. Suddenly it becomes a person who’s had one too many of liquid courage and needs a good telling off.

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So begs the question… who in the world is Linda??

Even Steve asks,

“Where did she get Linda from? Now she’s looking at her like, the hell you mean your name ain’t Linda?”

It is hilarious. Viewers have come up with their own theories as to where “Linda” may have come from. Even Steve wondered. He’s got a few more points to ponder on with his signature Steve Harvey punchlines and expressions. But you’ll have to see it for yourself.

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Got attitude? You don’t. This toddler does though! Check her out in the video below.

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Source: YouTube, Toddler
