Giant tortoise meets a baby cow who is missing a leg – the two can’t be separated
What a rare and beautiful friendship!
Bella Scotton

Where are the rules that say two very different animals cannot become best friends?

Meet Leonardo

Some may think with a name like this that we are going to be talking about a lion perhaps or maybe a tiger. But No, part of this story is about an African spurred turtle. He came to the sanctuary in 2013 from a Zoo that was in Bangkok that was closing down

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Meet Simon The Cow

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Simon the young cow came to the Wildlife Friends Foundation in Thailand in 2016. Simon had suffered an unfortunate accident when he got his leg caught in a vine.


The injury was so severe that he lost part of his hind leg.

Sharing The Territory

The Wildlife knew they would have to keep Simon so they housed him in the same area as Leonardo. It is a big space it seems and Leonardo didn’t seem to mind sharing his abode.

They Say That Opposites Attract

It is hard to believe that a hard-shelled turtle and a young soft-skinned cow would be attracted to each other.

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The Bond Between Leonardo and Simon Is Unmistakeable

Many times Simon can be seen nuzzling up to Leonardo. The turtle doesn’t seem to mind at all and shows no signs of retracting into his shell because he is fearful. Nor does he try to waddle off.

Careful Footed

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Simon can be seen making sure that is footing is very careful so as not to step on Leonardo.

Hanging Out Together

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These two seem to just enjoy hanging out with each other as they soak up the sun.

Going For A Stroll

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It seems as though Simon wants to go for a stroll and wants Leonardo to join him. Simon gives the turtle a gentle nudge with his head. It doesn’t seem as though Leonardo is up for too much exercise though as he just seems to ignore the gentle prodding of his friend.

A Show Of Affection

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Simon seems to be very loving towards Leonardo and he seems to just be soaking it all up.

Wildlife Friends Foundation

This is a wonderful not for profit foundation that puts all their focus on animals that have been neglected, mistreated or have special needs. They have so many important projects going on to save animals that otherwise would come to their death or live a life of suffering. The foundation depends on donations and every little bit helps.

The Nature of the African Spurred Tortoise

This tortoise is also called the Sulcata Tortoise. When it comes to size it is the third largest of all the tortoise species. They’re recognized as being good-natured. For this reason, some people will keep them as pets.

The Nature of Baby Calfs

They are docile by nature and much like many baby animals, they are curious. This is why they sometimes can get into trouble. It is not known what led Simon to get caught up in the vines that led to his injury.

A lesson can be learned from these two heart-warming animals – anybody can get along if they want to.

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