Family takes in talkative parrot and her words quickly have them rolling
Lol, I don't think I've ever heard a funnier bird. 😂
Jake Manning

Pets have an amazing ability to fill our lives with love, laughter, and endless entertainment.

Their snuggles, affection, and quirky behavior can brighten even the dullest of days.

For one family, their pet brings a unique brand of humor and joy into their home.

This isn’t your typical pet, though—this star of the family is Cosmo, a highly intelligent and talkative parrot with a personality that rivals even the most charismatic humans.


Cosmo wasn’t originally part of Cindy and Jason’s life.

They adopted her under unexpected circumstances when Jason’s cousin passed away, leaving Cosmo in their care.

They hadn’t even met her before, but suddenly, they found themselves with this bright, talkative parrot as part of their family.

Little did they know, Cosmo would bring more than just company; she would fill their home with laughter and endless entertainment through her clever and hilarious antics.


What sets Cosmo apart is her incredible communication skills.

This parrot has a vocabulary that would impress even the most seasoned linguists, with an estimated range of 800 to 1,000 words.

And she doesn’t just mimic sounds; Cosmo uses phrases in context, showing an impressive understanding of emotions and situations.

She can play games, like saying “Peekaboo,” and even offers sharp commentary, like telling the family cat to “Shut up.”

Cosmo’s skills go beyond simple phrases—she can ask questions like “What’s your name?” or hilariously inquire, “You got popcorn?” with perfect timing and clarity.


Cosmo’s personality is full of sass and humor.

Her owners describe her as a little comedian, always finding ways to make them laugh.

She enjoys making all kinds of sounds, even imitating coughing noises if her usual attention-seeking tricks aren’t working.

Whether she’s imitating household sounds like running water or cracking jokes, Cosmo has an undeniable ability to lighten up any room with her antics.


However, life wasn’t always easy for Cosmo.

After the passing of her original owner, she struggled with feather plucking, a common stress-related behavior in parrots.

This habit can be hard to break once it starts, and despite medical efforts, Cosmo continues to pluck her feathers.

Fortunately, she has made significant progress and has regained about 70% of her feathers.

Cindy and Jason’s care and patience have helped Cosmo heal, even if the habit still lingers.


Over time, Cosmo has become an integral part of the family.

Her bond with Cindy and Jason has deepened, and they express deep love for their clever companion.

For them, Cosmo is far more than just a pet; she is a true family member.

Cindy told GeoBeats Animals:

“She is like my own daughter.”


Cosmo also shares a close bond with her family, displaying her affection in ways that often surprise and amuse.

One of her most endearing habits is asking Cindy to “zoom there and zoom back” whenever she leaves for errands.

And if that weren’t funny enough, Cosmo likes to imitate the home alarm system when someone leaves the house, adding a layer of humor to even the most mundane moments.


Cosmo’s comedic talents have not only charmed her family but also attracted fans beyond their household.

With her hilarious and entertaining behavior, Cosmo has gained popularity on social media, where her videos bring laughter to people worldwide.

One viewer perfectly captured the sentiment, saying, “There’s probably at least a billion people who would love to hang out with Cosmo! ❤”

Another fan added, “Cosmo is a treasure! Her videos give me so much joy! I just love her. <3”


Watch the video below to see just how funny and smart this parrot is!

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