Birds do more than just pooh on our cars and tweet from the trees. They keep the pest population at bay by pecking and eating bugs. Some birds also disgustingly assist with the circle of life by eating dead things on the ground.
Parrots can learn to talk and sing, and macaws can dance. Messenger pigeons were used during wartime to deliver secret messages. Roadrunners can zip along at 20 miles an hour, which is as fast as any Olympic sprinter.
Myla Aguila discovered how amazing one particular bird was while strolling past a village near her home in the Philippines. She first noticed the little boy in the yellow T-shirt and shorts squatting at the top of a grassy embankment, his lost sandal down below him. It was mere feet to the muddy ground below him where the shoe was, but he wasn’t budging.

The lost sandal had caught the eye of the craziest creature. It looked like a Muscovy duck, which is best recognized for its white body and red face. Duck production happens to be the second-largest poultry industry in the Philippines.
Before the little boy could scamper down the slope and retrieve his shoe, the duck hustled over to it first. The inquisitive critter struggled for a bit as it tried to securely clamp its beak down on the sandal.

It finally picked up the shoe and waddled its way up the muddy slope toward the little boy. But when the duck was a not even a foot away from the little boy, it dropped the shoe and it tumbled back down the incline.
The duck scurried after the sandal and tried to pick it up again. The duck chased it around a bit with its beak until it got a good grasp on it. Yet again, the duck came oh so close to the little boy who reached out for the shoe, only for it to slip out of the bird’s beak. The little boy could not believe his luck! He chuckled at the duck’s dilemma in trying to transfer the shoe from its beak to his outstretched hand.

Would the third time be a charm? You bet! The bird clambered up the hill and finally got the sandal to the little boy. He joyfully stood up and slipped his sandal back on.
But apparently the bird wasn’t thrilled nor interested in actually sharing the sandal. As soon as the little boy stood up, the bird began flapping its wings like crazy and hopped up onto the grassy bank, startling the child who took off sprinting. Myla and the others watching the entertaining exchange couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

She captured the chance encounter on video and shared it on Facebook.
“I was dumbfounded. The duck is kind. He really helped, even though he doesn’t know the child.”
Myla said she thought you only teach dogs to fetch shoes and found the footage hilarious. In fact, you can hear people laughing throughout the video. Later on, Myla found the clever duck and posed for a photo with it.
Watch the interaction between this curious shoe-loving duck and a little boy who just wanted his sandal back. This video is adorable!
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