Dog tears up when he reunites with cow best friend who helped raise him
She was like a mom to him!
Emma Shallcross

Dogs will get on with just about anyone – but admittedly, we didn’t ever envision a friendship between a dog and a cow.

But after one dog lost his mom when he was still a puppy, he ended up developing a close bond with no other than a cow.

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Rookie the pooch had lived on a farm his whole life, so he was used to hanging out with the cows, pigs, and goats who lived there.

The sweet pup had lost his mom when he was young, so a life surrounded by animal friends was just what he needed. Out of all the animals, Rookie preferred to spend time with the cows, and it wasn’t long until he had grown particularly close to one of them.

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The cow became a mother figure for Rookie, and despite the fact that she was a cow and he was a dog, she cared for him as if he was her own. The pair played together, and Rookie even cuddled up on his foster mom’s back to go to sleep. Over two years, their bond strengthened, and they became inseparable.

Unfortunately, the farmer was going through some tough times, and he had to make the heart-breaking decision to sell the cow.

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As the farmers used a rope to guide Rookie’s foster mom out to the people who had bought her, it’s as if the little dog knew that something bad was happening.

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Rookie could clearly see that the pair were going to be separated. He barked and barked and barked, but no one would listen to him. As his best friend was dragged away, tears filled his eyes.

The devastated pup decided to follow the cow’s buyers.

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Rookie quickly followed his foster mom’s scent, and he heard her moo in the distance. It turned out that the cow had only been moved to another farm further down the street – but for the inseparable duo, the distance was still too much to bear.

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Rookie discovered his best friend waiting anxiously in a barn for him, but their reunion was short-lived when his owner came to take him back home again.

The separation hit Rookie hard, and without his foster mom, he quickly became depressed.

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The miserable dog spent the majority of his time howling in the street as if he was calling for the cow to come back. He wasn’t interested in eating or playing and became a shell of his former self.

Witnessing the anguish that the dog was in, the farmers decided that it was best to take the cow back again.

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The reunion between Rookie and his foster mom is an absolute joy to watch.

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The farmers tried to get Rookie to make friends with another dog, and they rubbed the cow’s scent on some of the dogs’ fur in the hopes that he would warm to them. But no bond could ever match the one he had with his mom.

They heard the message loud and clear: Rookie and the cow could not be split up!

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The story of this special friendship was shared onto YouTube by Kritter Klub, and it now has over 45 million views. Watch the sweet video for yourself below.

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