According to Lana, humans aren’t the only animals with the capacity for compassion. The Brazilian dog has known lack and is all too familiar with what it’s like to be down on your luck.
She was once a stray dog living on the streets with her brothers and sisters just trying to survive day by day.
Thankfully, the puppy family was rescued from homelessness that she was living with a loving family and had food, shelter, and water.
But apparently, Lana never forgot what it was like to not have those things.
Schaumloeffel put Lana down for the night outside in her dog house with a brand new thick blanket so the pup would be cozy and warm. But keep in mind, Brazil stays around 70 degrees Fahrenheit all year round. A safe temperature to leave a dog outside.
But, she had no idea that Lana was willing to forgo her own comfort so that another dog wouldn’t have to suffer.
When Schaumloeffel’s fiancĂ© left for work in the morning, he found Lana sharing her blanket with a dog who was living on the streets. She had dragged the blanket outside of her dog house and pushed it through the fence so that the homeless dog could have one-half of the blanket while she kept the other on the opposite side of the fences.
An amazing act of kindness that could likely only be committed by someone who knows what it’s like to not have shelter or to struggle. That day, Schaumoeffel’s dog taught her a lesson that all humans should be aware of.
“I thought, ‘How beautiful what she did for her friend,'” she told The Dodo. “My best four-legged friend reminded me of something so important: generosity!”
Lots of others were also touched by Lana’s story.
“Just beautiful, ” said one of The Dodo’s readers.
“It appears these pups have connections, perhaps on the streets together said another.”
Schaumoeffel had seen the dog the day before but she wasn’t sure if it was a stray or not because he ran away when she tried to approach him to see if he had any ID tags.
So, now Schaumloeffel always leaves out food and water for Lana’s friends since he still runs away when she approaches him.
“She is the nicest little dog I’ve ever met,” Schaumloeffel says. “We forget sometimes the difference we can make in someone’s life. She reminded me of this.”
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