Mischievous Baby Pandas Attempt To Derail Bath Time
This was hilarious to watch.
Eduardo Gaskell

Once a long, hard day is over, every one just wants to find a way to relax. Some grab a drink, some head to the mall, while some go home because, letโ€™s face it, thereโ€™s really nothing like home. And for most of us, the best way to deal with the stress of the day is in some form of adorable entertainment.


Could be a pet, a kid, a few online videosโ€ฆ like Pandas. Oh thatโ€™s a good one. Pandas!


Though I doubt thereโ€™s any stress when having a job like this guy. Imagine just having to take care of Panda cubs and getting paid. i mean I would. Youโ€™ll find lots and lots of Panda videos on the web, all of them overflowing with cuteness. Jealous yet?

Look at this guy. Can you say lucky? This is his job.

And now he has to bathe these four adorable cubs. Come on, man. The world is unfair.

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This is in China. It starts off with him walking in to the enclosure with a bowl of water. The four cubs are just aimlessly wandering around but we get the feeling they know whatโ€™s up. Just like toddlers.

So the man proceeds to clean one of the cubโ€™s face with a cloth all while the others just surround them. Heโ€™s done this many many times for sure but look at how he cracks a smile. Someone loves his job!

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Of course heโ€™s only got two hands, and his focus is on the cub at hand. The other two, however, seem to be getting restless. One in particular starts to climb his back.

The cub probably wants some affection and attention too, Mr. Caretaker!

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One viewer said,


โ€œHuman is back. Letโ€™s try to tackle him.โ€

Donโ€™t think the man would mind if the cubs did indeed tackle him. Itโ€™s probably happened before anyway. Got to hand it to him though. He remains composed and focuses on washing the cub heโ€™s holding all while the other two are trying to get his attention.

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He has become the proverbial jungle gym and he doesnโ€™t mind one bit.

Now if by chance this man is an actual father with kids at home, it would be interesting to hear his thoughts on the differences between his kids and the cubs here. Whoโ€™s more well-behaved? Who are easier to clean? Who are cuter in his eyes? Kidding.


The caretaker does his best wiping the fluffy cub from head to toe while the others keep trying to grab his focus. The little one succeeds in squirming out of his grasp though and soon joins the other cubs in playing with their human friend. Heโ€™s really smiling now.

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Another viewer wrote,

โ€œInstead of the keeper showering the pandas, the pandas are showering him with their love :)โ€

What a great day at work!

Whatโ€™s even more amazing is how he manages to contain himself and not grab those black and white cubs for massive hugs and cuddles. Makes you wonder how these guys apply for the job and what sorts of training they have to undergo to be deemed worthy of the job.

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Are you prepared for a black and white assault of cuteness? Then press play below!

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Source: YouTube, WWF, National Geographic
