Jane and her husband have been married for “33 glorious years.” Although they keep a fun and lighthearted relationship, they felt heir looks, on the other hand, needed a little freshening up.
There was one stylist who was perfect for the job – so the pair traveled to Minneapolis to visit The Makeover Guy’s studio.

Let’s face it, sometimes life gets busy and we don’t always have time to focus on ourselves. But every once in a while, we all deserve a little pampering too.
It was Jane who thought her husband needed a makeover. With a scruffy gray beard and wild hair, maybe he needed a little TLC in the grooming department?

He only had one condition though – Jane had to sit in the stylist chair next to him and get a makeover as well!
The couple met when they were only in high school. Even after three decades of marriage, their love still shines through with how much they laugh together.
Jane used to think her husband was “cute” and “nice” back in school, but also very “immature.” According to her, he never lost that quality either.

He made a funny joke during the interview:
“Jane isn’t the first woman I proposed to – but she is the first woman I proposed to that did not say ‘no.'”
It was time to see what The Makeover Guy could do.
Christopher Hopkins is a man of many talents. Besides being a famous author and singer, he’s also a real magician when it comes to giving fabulous makeovers. People come from all over to visit his salon for updated looks, which he then shares on his YouTube channel.

You might even recognize Christopher from TV. Among other appearances, he used to frequent The Oprah Winfrey Show as a guest style expert!
The Makeover Guy’s had a long list of clients (including celebrities), but how would he do with a double transformation? Let’s find out.
In the video below, Jane and her husband’s looks are revealed… And my oh my, do they look fantastic! It’s easy to see that a lot of hard work and “magic” went into it all.
Jane immediately points out,
“I think he looks fabulous. I told him he could be on GQ.”

As for Jane’s husband, he was very pleased with his wife’s gorgeous appearance. Although he admitted he usually prefers it when she doesn’t do anything to her hair – it’s obvious he was liking what he saw.
He said:
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she? I believe my wife is beautiful, she always has been on the inside. But today her outer beauty is shining through.”
The happy and loving couple now looked as young and fresh as they felt! To celebrate, they were going to hit the town to watch fireworks and attend a block party.

And what did The Makeover Guy’s fans think about his work? One person wrote:
“They look like a million bucks! Both of those hairstyles, wow. And how cute they both are. Very sweet.”
Another person commented:
“He’s quite handsome, and she looks lovely. But any woman who is loved like that will always be beautiful.”
Christopher himself summed things up nicely on his YouTube channel saying:
“They had a blast at the studio and we think they’re a perfect example of how to keep things alive by keeping up your appearance.”

They’re a fun couple before – but just wait until you see them after! You can see their big reveals in the video below.
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