Targets New Breastfeeding Policy Attracting Attention
This is certainly something to talk about.
Kristin Danley-Greiner

Moms joke all the time about making a quick Target run for one or two things only to leave the store clutching several sacks. It’s true the big box store is a favorite of many shoppers. But now, moms have yet another reason why they love Target.

The Facebook page Breastfeeding Mama Talk shared an image of a message posted by Target at the Weatherford, Texas, store that was designed for its shoppers, specifically nursing moms. The giant chain store clarified its position on breastfeeding moms.

“At Target, you are free to nurse wherever and whenever you like while you shop because we think #momsrock. But if you would like a comfy (or more private) spot to nurse or change a diaper, please ask our fitting room attendant about our nursing room! A peaceful spot to take a break during your Target run — and it’s even stocked with some free goodies to make you and baby’s time there even sweeter. Happy nursing and happy shopping!”

Way to go Target

Posted by Breastfeeding Mama Talk onFriday, June 14, 2019

Nursing moms couldn’t believe it! Target spokesperson Meghan Roman confirmed the company’s new policy and latest initiative to embrace nursing moms and hungry breastfed babies with an official statement provided to USA Today.

“At Target, we want all of our guests to feel like they belong at Target by being welcomed, valued and respected. Our breastfeeding policy, which applies to all stores, is just one of the ways in which we support our guests. Guests who choose to breastfeed in public areas of the store are welcome to do so.”

Flickr/Kevin Dooley
Flickr/Kevin Dooley

Furthermore, Target is creating actual nursing rooms at its stores.

As the giant store remodels stores across the country, part of the redesign plans is to designate nursing spaces in its fitting room areas.

Facebook user Jennifer Dixon posted on Breastfeeding Mama Talk that she stopped to nurse in the outdoor furniture section of her local Target and actually had employees stop to make sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed.

Elizabeth Winegardner Ogle testified that she nursed all of her babies in her local Target.

“I always use the dressing room because I can sit and be comfy. They’ve always made sure to give me the big one so we had plenty of room and they’ve always been so supportive. Way to go Target!”

Flickr/UNICEF Ukraine
Flickr/UNICEF Ukraine

Stephani Brown worked at Target while nursing her first child. She posted on the Facebook thread that Target was “one of the most supportive employers I’ve ever had when it comes to pumping.”

“I got a private space, didn’t have to take the time out of my regular break, and my bosses usually had some snacks and something to drink waiting in there. Retail is brutal but Target was honestly amazing.”

Crystal Hargrave worked in the fitting room area at Target a few years ago and shared that she was regularly asked by nursing moms if they could use the larger fitting room to feed their wee ones. She always accommodated their requests and applauded Target’s sign hanging on the wall blatantly stating its breastfeeding policy.

“Every time I said of course and tried my best to make sure they felt comfortable and free of judgment. I knew one day that could be me, with a baby demanding feed at an inconvenient place for mumma and sure enough I found myself in that position myself with my daughter wanting to be nursed while shopping in Target. I think having a formal room and notice to let shopping parents know is a great idea and a step towards normalizing breastfeeding!”

Flickr/Sumter Health Department
Flickr/Sumter Health Department

Mom Meredith Honer had a bad experience at Target when nursing — but only for a moment until a Target employee rescued her.

“I had a lady once harass me in the food court at Target. She went to get a manager. And the manager ended up asking her to leave and gave me a free drink. I was a new mom with a tongue-tied baby. That simple gesture made my year.”

In 2011, thousands of nursing moms from across the country staged a sit-in at their local Targets after mom Michelle Hickman organized a Target Nurse-in event. She sat down in a remote part of the store, covered herself with a blanket and proceeded to nurse her baby. An employee at the Houston store told her she had to go to a fitting room, which upset Michelle.

“It’s not about me. It’s not about Target. It’s about women all over the world … and standing up for what’s right.”


Public shaming of breastfeeding moms isn’t anything new. In fact, at a Target store in Minnesota, a man verbally assaulted a breastfeeding mom while feeding her child on the edge of the food court. Thankfully, store employees and fellow shoppers came to her rescue.

Watch the video below and see how shaken the nursing mom was and how heroic the others were to help her out. Fellow moms weigh in on the debate, too.

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