Mom warns the one color your child should never wear at the swimming pool
This has gone viral for very good reason.
Jenny Brown

Nikki Scarnati, a seasoned swim instructor from Infant Swimming Resource and a conscientious mom, has sparked a vital conversation that’s resonating with parents far and wide.

She’s turned the spotlight on a seemingly innocuous detail of children’s swimwear that hides a potential danger: the color blue.

Through a thought-provoking post on Instagram, she’s unveiled a safety concern that, until now, might have slipped under many parents’ radar.


With the intention to inform and not alarm, Scarnati embarked on a mission to educate parents about the risks associated with blue swimwear.

She presented her case through a demonstration, choosing a blue swimsuit for the purpose.

Her approach was clear from the outset: this was about learning and making informed choices for our children’s safety.


The heart of her message was a compelling demonstration featuring her own daughter.

The scenario she presented was striking: her daughter, swimming in a pool clad in a blue swimsuit, became a vivid illustration of how such a color choice can render a swimmer nearly invisible under water.

This visual evidence was a stark reminder of the inherent dangers lurking in seemingly simple decisions.


Scarnati’s demonstration didn’t stop at merely identifying the problem.

She delved into the complexities of pool environments—where kids are often seen laughing, playing, and splashing around.

In such dynamic settings, she pointed out, maintaining visual contact with a child in a blue swimsuit becomes an even more daunting task, thus magnifying the risk.


Further emphasizing her point, Scarnati showcased how her daughter, even when moving to a sunlit part of the pool, remained hard to spot.

The sunlight did little to mitigate the camouflage effect of the blue swimsuit against the pool’s backdrop, highlighting the persistent visibility issue.


Concluding her demonstration with a simple yet powerful piece of advice, “So, do not buy a blue bathing suit, guys. Don’t buy blue bathing suits,” Scarnati’s message struck a chord.

Her direct warning underscored the critical nature of her appeal, urging parents to reconsider their swimwear choices in the name of safety.


The impact of her cautionary tale was amplified by the input of a lifeguard, who shared their professional insights in the comments.

This lifeguard corroborated Scarnati’s findings, pointing out the specific challenges of spotting children clad in blue swimwear, especially in situations where every second counts for safety.


Offering a constructive twist, the lifeguard suggested that brighter swimwear could be a solution.

This practical advice aimed at enhancing visibility in the water can be a lifesaver.

This makes it easier for parents and lifeguards alike to keep a vigilant eye on young swimmers, ensuring their safety amidst the fun and frolic of pool time.


Nikki Scarnati’s initiative is more than just a campaign about swimwear color; it’s a wake-up call for parents to prioritize safety in every aspect of their children’s lives. Whether for sunny days by the pool, or a vacation spot, her advice is very important to keep in mind.

Opting for swimwear in vivid, easily visible colors is not just a fashion statement—it’s a safety measure, a simple yet significant step towards protecting our children while they enjoy the water.

This is very important safety advice for every parent, watch her explanation below!

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