Mystery drive-thru guest hands $1000 to Chick-fil-a, has people in tears
You never know how far a little kindness can go.
Aubrey Murray

Kindness is a trait that we can forget quite often. The simple act of opening a door, helping carry out groceries, or even a simple smile from a stranger can go a long way in someone’s day.

It’s the small efforts of lending a hand that remind us that we’re not alone in this very isolated world.

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We have no idea what is going on in every single persons life and might want to be more sensitive to that. But kindness is contagious and people either take it for granted, or they cherish the feeling and want to give the same feeling to others around them.

The viral sensation of ‘Pay It Forward’, has rippled into communities all over the world.

Stories like people paying for another families meal in a restaurant, even paying for guests behind them in the drive-through line. These random acts of kindness have shined on people in the most beautiful ways, even by continuing to spread that kind-heartedness.

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No matter how small of an act, they continue to make a difference in other people’s lives.

Most of the time it will not be in the news nor make any headlines but it’s the thought that counts. With all of the negativity in today’s news, it’s so heart-warming to see that there are wonderful things happening all around.

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This remarkable story in Amarillo, Texas is one to leave a positive impact.

It was a normal evening when a customer pulled up to Chick-Fil-A and ordered their food. As the person drove to the window to pay for their meal they gave Chick-Fil-A another $1000 cash to pay for all of the other people that will be ordering after them.

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The employees were left speechless, maybe even believing it was some kind of joke.

Customers continue to the drive-thru, following that mystery guest they were jaw-dropped and beyond thankful for the gesture. Chick-Fil-A employees even heard children cheering in the back of cars when they told them the special news.

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For the next hour that mystery guest paid for 88 people’s meals, which really brought more than just a tasty dinner. That kindness had families warm with happiness, maybe when they needed it the most. A woman was given a free meal that evening and immediately burst into tears in the drive-through.

That’s the kind of effect that you can have just by lending a helping hand.

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Those emotions will transfer into energy that will hopefully inspire another selfless act.

To be a friend to a complete stranger is such a powerful gift.

We are community-driven creatures who thrive off interaction and joy from one another. That mystery guest was determined to shine a light onto anyone that needed it. If only he knew what an impact he truly made. So if you have the time or the means to reach out to somebody, please do. You never know how far that positivity will go.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” -Muhammad Ali

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