“Amazing Grace” is one of the most beautiful songs on this planet. It has an uplifting message of forgiveness and redemption, and is incredibly well-known in the English-speaking world.
We’ve heard hundreds of renditions of “Amazing Grace” over the years, but we recently stumbled across a cover that has since become our firm favorite. In a live performance in 2009, Celtic Women took to the stage and took on the song like we’ve never heard it sung before.
Celtic Women are an all-female Irish band, formed in 2004 by musical director David Downes. Though the band’s lineup continues to change every now and then, their distinct sound remains intact. The performers have so far produced 11 albums, and have nearly 10 million records sold worldwide.
The only thing that hints at the fact that this particular performance took place nearly 13 years ago is the musicians’ stage outfits. “Amazing Grace” has more than proved itself a timeless song, having been written way back in 1772 and remaining popular for some 248 years.
Celtic Women are a widely known and loved ensemble in Ireland, with the band’s official website writing:
“Celtic Woman celebrates Ireland’s rich musical and cultural heritage while continuing its legacy of introducing some of Ireland’s most talented singers and musicians onto the world stage.”
For the thousands of fans of Celtic Women, no band was better equipped to take on a beautiful song like “Amazing Grace”. And the musicians didn’t let their audience down.
The performance was typical of a Celtic Women show, with dramatic lighting, a full backing orchestra including bagpipes, and a choir that harmonized with the musicians and supported them in showcasing their incredible voices.

As the haunting sound of the bagpipes filled the room, perhaps every person in the audience felt shivers down their spine. Then one of Celtic Women’s musicians stepped forward and began to sing:
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind but now I see.”

In the next verse, her fellow bandmates stepped forward beside her, and they began to harmonize.
Despite the extravagant stage set-up, all eyes were on the three women as they delicately and solemnly communicated the song’s uplifting message. They hit high notes with ease and softness. This was nothing like a power ballad, and it’s definitely refreshing to hear a different take on a song that is so tempting to belt out.

As the song moved onto yet another verse, a choir stepped behind the Celtic Women performers and added even more depth to the song. Even so, the women were still center-stage, singing with every ounce of emotion, showing off their powerful vocals with a lightness that not every singer could achieve.

The song finished as it began: with the haunting sound of the bagpipes filling the room. Hats off to the other musicians on stage – the performance wouldn’t have been complete without the accompaniment of the live band and the backing vocalists.

Unsurprisingly, the video of Celtic Women’s “Amazing Grace” has become a YouTube sensation. With an astounding 72 million views, people continue to comment beneath the video today. Many people have used the song to honor their loved ones at funerals, while some mentioned that the performance gave them hope during COVID-19.

If you’re yet to see the performance yourself, it’s an absolute must-watch. Click “play” on the video below, and get your tissues ready – it’s an emotional one.
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