When you think about bus stops, the best images don’t tend to spring to the front of your mind. A city in Holland, Utrecht, has added both a brilliant and aesthetically pleasing addition to hundreds of their bus stops.
In Utrecht, they’ve actually added succulents to top of the 316 bus stops. In addition to the Sedum Plants, they also added LED lighting and bamboo benches to add to the decor.

With species of bees becoming more and more endangered every day, this is one possible solution, A step in the right direction. We have to keep finding ways to keep bees thriving.
According to Dutch site Wildebijen, There are 358 Species of Bees in Holland. Out of the 358 species, 56% are endangered, meaning endangered of being extinct. These are scary numbers when you think about the fact that bees are the main pollinators for our food crops and 1/3 of the food pollinated is thanks to them.
According to Sustain the alliance for better food and farming, around 80 percent of the crops in the US are depended on honey bees. There are also many animals that depend on honey bees for survival so they effect our meat too.

Locals are loving the new innovation, some are taking to social media to express their elation.
@Jolandavginkel Posted on Twitter
“Go #Utrecht! In my city, 316 bus stops now have a green roof. These roofs help to capture fine dust, storage of rainwate, provide cooling in the summertime and they contribute to the city’s biodiversity, supporting insects. Want one too?”
Go #Utrecht! In my city, 316 bus stops now have a green roof. These roofs help to capture fine dust, storage of rainwate, provide cooling in the summertime and they contribute to the city’s biodiversity, supporting insects. Want one too? | #climateaction https://t.co/t0H2vIXPkP pic.twitter.com/BoPQOKDTE7
— Jolanda van Ginkel (@jolandavginkel) July 7, 2019
Its A Fact, Bees Are Important For Humanity. Its Nice To See Places Like Utrecht Making An Effort!
With bumble bees pollinating around 80 percent of wild flowers, its an understatement to say they’re important. It is absolutely essential that we put the well being of Bees in general in the front of our minds before its too late. Hopefully other cities will take up the trend and add some buzz stops too!

Dutch Citizens In Utrecht, Can Apply For Funding To Get Their Own Bee Friendly Roofs.
The city actually runs a scheme to help citizens apply to turn their own roofs into great places for the bees to pollinate, talk about amazing. Not only is Utrecht doing awesome things for bees, they plan on introducing 55 electric busses by 2019 which will replace 125 regular busses.
When asked about the future plans Deputy Dennis street said:
“With this replacement, the province of Utrecht, together with the U-OV transport company, will kill two birds with one stone. With the arrival of so many new electric buses, we are taking a big step towards the goal of completely clean public transport in 2028.”
As someone who often takes the bus to avoid the hectic commute, I would love to see a place for bees to pollinate while I’m waiting. This might be something to write your city council about.

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