Bus driver keeps homeless man warm when he needs it most
If only everyone was like this. ❤️
Blake Hyatt

We need some heroes. Not some fictitious utility belt-wearing men dressed in tights and a cape, but real life, everyday empathetic people. People who are happy making other people happy.

The world’s everyday heroes are out there in the unlikeliest of places, shining a ray of hope unto those they come in contact with.

Meet Natalie Barnes, a Milwaukee public bus driver.

No, she isn’t Batman – she’s better.

And no disrespect to Batman, he’s one of my favorite superheroes. I actually just finished reading The Long Halloween, a classic comic.

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YouTube/Inside Edition

One evening, she opens her doors for Richard, a regular rider on her route. He’s dressed in a jacket and beanie.

Unfortunately, Richard’s fallen upon some hard times.

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YouTube/Inside Edition

Richard walks up the small bus stairs. He reluctantly tells her the truth,

“I, um, am officially homeless now.”

He has a little trouble getting it all out.

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Natalie responds, concerned,

“Why, what happened?”

She lends her support in every possible way. She’s got a heart of gold.

“Well, I’m on the bus ’til 2:44. You want to stay with me then?”

She truly cares.

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Richard appreciatively accepts. He’s beyond grateful, especially with his back up against the wall.

Natalie lets him ride the bus for the remainder of her shift, keeping him out of the cold and off the streets.

Richard takes a seat and enjoys the scenery.

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When Natalie stops for her routine food break, she scoops something for Richard. He didn’t even have to ask.

She’s a life saver.

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Richard’s incredibly appreciative. He makes his way to the front of the bus to thank Natalie for everything,

“I don’t know what to say except thank you.”

She responds, “You are welcome.”

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Richard continues, “I’ll get it back to you.” But Natalie won’t have it,

“No you won’t. Don’t you worry about that. I want to help you.”

The last sentence says so much about her. She truly wants to see Richard succeed.

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She even helps him find a shelter to stay in overnight.

Her actions let Richard know that somebody cares – he’s not in it alone.

A little love can make all the difference to someone struggling through some tough times.

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But Natalie’s not the only Milwaukee bus driver making the world a better place. Apparently, the city has quite a few super drivers.

One particular driver was recently seen helping a blind passenger.

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He parks the bus momentarily and ensures the man’s safety.

Arm in arm, they cross the small street, making for a beautiful moment.

This is exactly what you want to see from members of your community – compassion.

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YouTube/Inside Edition

Fortunately, Natalie and other heroic Milwaukee bus drivers have been commended for their actions, even making national news.

We need more people like Natalie in the world, especially these days. There’s so much unnecessary hate, as is. Natalie explains her mindset,

“At some point in our lives, everybody needs help. I wanted to do what I could to help Richard in some way.”

As for Richard, she adds,

“He thanks me every time he talks to me for helping him. He calls me his little guardian angel. I’m happy to say that he’s progressing well.”

Thank you for lending a helping hand Natalie, you’re setting a beautiful example for everyone else. Although the world’s currently wrought with strife and conflict, some are making an attempt to better their communities. Some people will continue to lend their help and hearts to those in need.

No, she’s not Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman. Her name’s Natalie – and she’s real.

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