Little kids can often surprise adults with their acts of generosity and kindness.
Kids do not have much to offer, in terms of money and ability, given their age, but they still manage to do their best to make others smile.
9-year-old Noah Cantin showed true compassion one morning while eating at his local Dennys. The little boy saw a police officer that he wanted to thank.

Noah wanted to say hello to the officer, but then he asked his mom if he could pay for the officer’s meal. Not with her money, but his own.
One proud momma. When your child asks if we can for an officers breakfast!!! Writes him a message on his receipt. #OneProudMomma #BackinBlue #Lakelandpolicedepartment #FutureEmployee” Noah’s mom, Amanda Cantin, wrote on her Facebook page.
Noah had gotten some money for her birthday, so he used that to pay the bill. It was just under $8, but in this situation, it is quite obviously the thought that counts.

Noah had one other request. He wanted to write a note for the officer on his receipt.
He walked up to Officer Benitez of the Lakeland Police Department with the receipt and handed it the officer. At first, Officer Benitez seemed confused but quickly realized what Noah had done for him.
Hit note was simple, it read, “I want to be you when I grow up. Thank you for your service.”

The Lakeland Police Department in Lakeland, Florida wrote back to Noah on Facebook to share Officer Benitez’s and their gratitude for Noah’s act of kindness.
“Officer Benitez was so touched by the eight year-old’s act that he had to get a photo and personally thank him. Well Noah you touched all of our hearts today. Your support means so much to all of the men and women who put on the uniform everyday. We wish you the happiest of Birthdays! (Noah turns the BIG 9 this Saturday!)”
Noah has wanted to be a police officer for over 4 years now. “I’m going to make the world a better place and capture the bad guys,” Noah told

After the story was shared online, hundreds commented on the post saying how it made their day. They commended Noah for being such a kind young man.
Noah certainly made a huge impact on Officer Benitez and everyone who’s read about his generous breakfast donation. His mom should be very proud!
Please SHARE this heartwarming story with your friends and family on Facebook today!