As much as we all love happy endings, we also need to accept that reality is not always sunshine and roses. One boy from Mexico had to learn this as he bravely let his dog go in order to protect it and make sure it lived a better life – a sacrifice that was undoubtedly done out of love.
It’s not easy for a twelve-year-old to let go of a pet who has brought nothing but happiness into his life.
After all, pets are great companions. They’re loyal, loving, and have a special way of compensating for life’s toughness, often in the form of difficult people and horrible days. Losing a pet who made life happier leaves a void that can’t ever be filled. Some lose their furry best friends to sickness, some to accidents, while some, like Andrés, have no choice but to leave their pets in safer hands.

A shelter called Xollin found the puppy at their doorstep on February 13th. There was also a note written by twelve-year-old Andrés.
“My name is Andrés and I’m 12 years old. My mom and I decided to leave him to you. All of this is behind my dad’s back, because he was thinking of selling him. But he is always beating and kicking the dog. Once he kicked him so hard that his little tail got injured. I hope you can help him and take care of him. Here is a plush toy so he won’t forget me.”

In a Facebook post, the staff gave a short background of what the twelve-year-old was asking of them.
“Someone left this dog at the door of the shelter, inside a box, with a plush toy and a note. The note was written by a kid and he explained his dad was always beating the dog and was planning to sell him. So, in such a state of despair, he left the dog here to save him.”
The heartbreaking note and the brief description shared on the shelter’s Facebook page prompted concerned users to offer assistance – by willingly adopting the dog and giving it a good home.

Not only that, they shared encouraging words for the little boy, too. It must have been extremely difficult for Andrés to reach such a painful decision and follow through. Thankfully, with his mom’s assistance, they were able to bring the dog to a place where it would be loved and taken care of – no more being subjected to beating and yelling.
Upon discovering the dog and the note at their doorstep, the people at the shelter acted fast.
“We need to take the dog to the vet so he can check his tail, which apparently is fractured. We also need to remove parasites and get him a check-up. This means more expenses and work for us, but luckily the dog will be safe.”

The people at the shelter also decided to name the dog Rene. Along with keeping him healthy and safe, they are also determined to find a loving home for it – not so easy considering the overwhelming response they got after sharing Rene’s story online.
They have received over 300 messages from people who expressed their desire to adopt Rene.
As heartwarming as it is to know there are many kind souls willing to take the dog in and care for it properly, the shelter couldn’t help but express their concern for other animals in need of the same help. With so many animals suffering abuse, it seems only those whose stories go viral are rescued.
“If you all opened your heart and your home to all and not only to this dog, all our animals in the shelter would have been already adopted twice. Thanks to the few people who came to the shelter offering their help to protect other animals suffering abuse or being abandoned in our district and surroundings.”

Andrés’ sacrifice and decision was nothing short of heroic and selfless. It may have broken his heart and left Rene sad and wondering as well but in the long run, it was definitely the right choice.
Now, Rene has been dewormed and is on the road to full recovery – in a place where he doesn’t have to suffer anymore.
Eventually, he’ll be part of a great family who’ll make sure he receives the love and care he deserves.

Here’s hoping other abused animals like Rene are given another shot at living safe, happy lives with the right people.
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