Who doesn’t want to have friends?
Having friends is fun, and it makes our lives complete, but it’s not that easy.

Until now, we don’t understand why some people, even kids, would choose to harass someone intentionally.
Knowing that their actions would affect their victims throughout their lives.
Last July 5, Brennan Ray uploaded a TikTok video that garnered 69M views in just a few days.

The said clip made millions of people cry.
That day, Brennan, who was out of his home, answered his ring video doorbell.
A young boy had been going house-to-house, asking people if they had kids.

As Brennan answered the boy, the nervous young boy waved at the camera and said hello.
“Hi. I just wanted to see if you knew any kids around 11 or 12, maybe because I need some friends. Like, bad,” Shayden Walker said.
Shayden seemed nervous, and he had sad eyes.

Brennan immediately told the boy that there were two kids that matched Shayden’s description and that they live down the road.
A bit hesitant, Shayden told Brennan that those kids weren’t his friends anymore since they make fun of him.
“I’m sorry to hear that, man,” Brennan said.

Shayden’s head was down, and he looked extremely sad.
He then asks if Brennan has any kids of his own, and the kind man replies that he does, but she’s just two years old.
Shayden’s eyes lit up.

“I love two-year-olds, to be honest. They’re just the cutest things I have ever known.”
He also told Brennan that he enjoyed caring for and playing with his little sister when she was around that age.
After the encounter, Brennan and his wife, Angell Hammersmith, couldn’t get him out of their heads.

Upon further inspection, they saw that the boy already gone to their home 30 minutes prior and changed his mind.
Then, he came back after mustering enough courage to ring the doorbell.
The sweet boy was so sad, looking for a friend and knocking on his neighbor’s doors.
They had to do something.

Brennan and his wife had set up a GoFundMe account for the young boy.
They wanted to see if they could raise enough money to buy him a gaming system and some school clothes, and maybe if they had more left, they could buy some amusement park tickets and other things Shayden might want or need.
It raised more than $37,000 before being closed as per the request of Shayden’s mother.

Last July 12, Brennan, Angell, and their little toddler went to see Shayden.
They hugged, discussed their hobbies, and even watched a movie together.
Shayden also played with the couple’s little girl.
Other people who saw the viral TikTok clip also managed to chip in and give something to the young boy.

In one comment, someone said they would have a big event for Shayden at their local park.
He would even be escorted by motorcycles & there, he would meet new friends!
It’s just so wonderful what viral videos could do, and for this case, give Shayden friends, bring back his confidence, and teach the world that we could all be kinder.
Watch the beautiful story below.
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