Boxer’s spicy attitude only gets worse as she’s scolded by mom
This sassy dog looks like she's quite a handful!

Brittany Young’s Boxer named Daisy May is an internet star.

You see, Daisy May has quite an attitude – and the adorable Boxer isn’t afraid to put up a fuss when she doesn’t get her way. And it just so happens that the internet loves videos of sassy dogs.

Young and her family must live pretty far out in the country because when their dog “runs away to the neighbor’s” they need a car to go pick her up.

YouTube - Brittany Young Music
YouTube - Brittany Young Music

And it’s not an insignificant drive home!

Geez, Daisy May!

At least she’s getting some serious exercise in the process of running away.


As the runaway hops into the car at her mother’s command, she immediately starts snarfing and grunting her displeasure.

YouTube - Brittany Young Music
YouTube - Brittany Young Music

Some of her behaviors – especially the yawning – might be indications that she’s just finished having a lot of fun or is even a little anxious about getting into some trouble.

But even when she tries to bury her head, mom is very kind as she explains to her pup that that’s simply not her house.

YouTube - Brittany Young Music
YouTube - Brittany Young Music

What the family most wants to know is why she’s no longer staying home with her little brother, Mac.

She used to always follow him home because they’re friends.

We hate to break it to you, mom – but Mac appears to be in the seat beside Daisy and it’s clear that this sister feels like she’s WAY too cool to play with him these days.

YouTube - Brittany Young Music
YouTube - Brittany Young Music

She sniffs at him and looks the other way. Like, eww.

When mom goes through Daisy’s misdeeds, she throws her head back at the idea of being taken to task like a teenager rolling her eyes and saying “whatEVER people.”

She also looks down at the seat beside her, refusing to listen. If she could cross her paws like a surly child, she certainly would. She’s pouting, bigtime. And who can blame her, we all just want to play with our friends!

YouTube - Brittany Young Music
YouTube - Brittany Young Music

If you’re even remotely worried about Daisy in the first few seconds of the video, her reactions once the family is back out on the road are truly priceless.

And if you have a pre-teen or teenage human, they’ll look very familiar.

YouTube - Brittany Young Music
YouTube - Brittany Young Music

In fact, it sounds like Daisy is giving the heavy sigh each time her mom points out her “responsibilities” to her little brother.

And for his part, it sounds like poor Mac just wants to play with his dog and instead she makes a break for it every day after school. (But maybe Mac is busy playing with something else and Daisy doesn’t just want to sit in the corner and watch – who knows?)

YouTube - Brittany Young Music
YouTube - Brittany Young Music

What we do know is Daisy is a dog with personality and it’s pretty funny to watch it on full display. At minute 1:40 she even shakes her head “no” and you can almost hear her saying it!

According to The Whole Dog Journal, Daisy’s whines do have meaning:

“A dog may whine when it wants something, needs or wants to go outside, feels frustrated by leash restraint, is separated from a valued companion (human or otherwise), or just wants attention.”

YouTube - Brittany Young Music
YouTube - Brittany Young Music

We think that pretty much sums it up!

Be sure to scroll down below to watch the adorable Daisy May give off some serious ‘tude when her family just doesn’t understand that girls just wanna have fun.

We have the feeling that wasn’t this pup’s last adventure.

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