Belgian Draft Horse Cares For Her Adorable, Baby Twins
Jenny Brown

A mother has a very special relationship with her children. Being a mother myself, I feel this, but it’s not something that I can explain in words. The best way to show you what I mean is through examples.

In the video below, a Belgian draft horse takes care of her two newborn twin foals. Yes, this mother gave birth to twins, which is very rare amongst horses. Needless to say, watching this family interact with each other is simply too cute for words.

Lisa and Fien are only 4-days-old in the video. The camera records them playing around in the green pastures with their beautiful mother. She nurses them and runs around with them before settling down in the grass for some much needed rest.

Towards the end, you see a little girl approach the horses in order to pet them. Belgian draft horses are not only known for their strength, but they are also known for their friendliness and gentleness. The family reacts warmly to the little girl, and the mother lets her touch her babies. It’s too precious!

Please SHARE this video if you love animals!

[Source: Robert Plessens]
