Baby zebra born with spots instead of stripes
This gorgeous baby zebra was born with spots instead of stripes. Unfortunately, stripes are what help zebras survive in the wild.
Randy Aragon

Natures creatures are all unique, but some animals are born with differences that clearly make them stand out. When you think of zebra’s, the first thing you tend to think about is stripes, but it doesn’t always turn out that way. Once in a great while, a baby Zebra is born with spots instead of stripes and it’s ridiculously adorable!

This unique baby zebra will take your breath away, scroll down!

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This is so rare the photographer couldn’t believe his eyes, seeing a spotted baby zebra only happens once in a lifetime!

When Antony Tira first saw this spotted baby zebra he was awestruck. The photographer had never seen one before, he didn’t even know whether or not to believe what he was seeing. All he knew, was that this was a rare occasion, and he needed to keep taking pictures.

He started taking magical photos, still while contemplating if this was real or not. He actually considered that maybe the rangers had painted it or something, to mark it or keep track of it. Thoughts aside, Tira took as many photos as possible of the phenomenon.

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As the photographer began to realize exactly what he was taking pictures of, he was amazed by spotted zebra’s beauty, and it’s rarity.

He kept taking pictures when he realized exactly why this baby zebra was born spotted. The baby zebra has a rare melanin condition. The condition is like the opposite of being albino, so instead of being born with to light skin, their pigment is dark, which is what causes the spots.

Although the zebra is absolutely gorgeous, having spots is not a good thing in the wild. The life span for these little guys is heartbreaking.

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There’s bad news for these spotted zebras. Unfortunately, zebra’s need stripes to survive, so the life expectancy for this spotted baby is shocking.

Without stripes, zebra’s are left vulnerable. The strips help regulate the zebra’s temperature in the smoldering heat. That’s not all they do, another important reason for a zebra’s stripes is to camouflage themselves in the wild.

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It’s their main defense from all the predators out there in the wild, without their stripes, zebra’s are sitting ducks. This means for the spotted ones, they instantly become a target.

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That means the poor baby zebra with the beautiful spots, most likely won’t live past 6 months old.

This is seriously heartbreaking, but without the strips to protect them from the sun and the lions, the spotted zebra’s life expectancy is only 6 months old. Let’s just hope this ones is different and makes it to adulthood!

This adorable spotted baby zebra may not be here on this earth for long, but he will continue to leave people speechless through Tira’s photos and videos. Maybe there is a lesson we’re supposed to learn from this animal, life is short, so it’s best to enjoy it while you can.

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This gorgeous baby zebra was born with spots instead of strips – The only problem, zebra’s need their to strips survive. Watch the video below!

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