Being a mom is a tough job.

Of course, I’m not a mom and I never will be, but I do have one and I know how crazy I make her at times.
Now, I’m no longer living in her house so we don’t really fight anymore, but as her only son, I know that she still worries about me all of the time.
I try to call her when I can, but life gets busy and sometimes I forget.

It seems like no matter how old I get, my mom will always feel some sort of responsibility to keep me safe and help me out.
Her job never ends.
And being a mom isn’t only a tough job for humans, it’s exhausting for other animals as well.
Take this little bear cub for instance.

He wandered up onto someone’s porch one night and decided that he wanted to check out what was going on inside.
Luckily for the homeowners, their door was locked and shut, but that didn’t stop the bear from peaking in and standing up on his two little legs to see what was going on.

You can hear the dog inside the house barking and growling at the little bear, and the cub responds with some cute little noises of his own.
But right when the cub thinks he’s gotten away with his little adventure, mom comes jumping up onto the porch.

She sees what her baby is doing and she doesn’t like it one bit.
She knows how dangerous humans can be to animals.
So she goes into full mamma-bear mode.
She grabs her cub by the back of his neck with her mouth and begins to pull him away from the door.

The cub doesn’t try to fight out of his mother’s grasp, probably knowing that he is getting in trouble for a good reason.
He allows his mom to drag him to the other side of the porch and scold him for what he’s done.

Eventually, the mom lets go of her cub and she walks off the deck.

The little cub follows her and stays close behind, knowing that he better not stray too far away from her again.

Summer Williams posted this story on her Facebook page and this is what she had to say about it:

She added, “It was so relatable. That’s my daily experience with my own children. I think that’s what made the video so great. It showed that some aspects of parenting are uniform across species.”
She even came up with her own idea about what the mother bear was probably saying to her cub:
“I have told you a hundred times not to bother people.”
This video makes me want to be a better son to my mom.

I do the basics, like tell her that I love her when we get off the phone and send her gifts on her birthday.
But I know that she still worries about me and loves me with a kind of love that I’ll never understand.
So I can do better.
And maybe you can, too.
If you’ve got a mom that you haven’t called or seen in a while, pick up the phone.
Give her a call just to ask how her day went and tell her that you love her.
It’s the least you can do.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.