Bear Plays The Piano
This bear is seriously talented.
D.G. Sciortino

When you think of a bear breaking into a human habitat, you probably imagine a bear sneaking into campgrounds to break into your cooler to steal a snack. Maybe you’ll spot one sniffing around your barbecue grill for bits of meat.

If you’re really using your imagination, maybe you’ll picture him with his paw stuck in a jar of honey a la Winnie the Pooh.

However, an East Vali woman found a bear, not stealing her picnic basket, but breaking into her home to stretch his musical chops and play the piano.

The Colorado woman called the East Vali Police Department on May 31 to report that someone broke into her home when she was away. According to the Town’s website, she initially thought that a burglar had broken into her home and called the police.


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However, after officers inspected her home, they realized that it wasn’t a burglar but an animal who was looking for food that had come in through an open window. Police didn’t know exactly what animal was responsible for the break-in.

Whatever kind of animal it was, it did some minor damage and also took some food from the freezer.

After the police report, the woman checked her home’s camera system and found out exactly who the culprit was. A giant black bear.

The bear decided to stroll on in and make himself comfortable… very comfortable. He helped himself to a snack and then decided that he wanted to hear some music. That’s when he took a stab at the piano.


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The video shows the bear wandering through the woman’s home and then stopping to indulge himself in a little piano playing.

He is seen putting his paws on the piano and playing a few notes.

“The chords captured on video were unbearable and the tune was equally grizzly,” joked local police. “Although officers searched the area, the suspect is still at large.”

The bear apparently wasn’t impressed with his own piano playing skills as he listened to his notes and then abruptly got up from the piano.


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Thankfully, there haven’t been any violent occurrences between human and wildlife in recent years as the Vail Police Department officersoffer tips on how to bear-proof your home and are trained to respond to animals that need to be relocated.

Since posting the video on YouTube, it has been watched more than 271,800 times.

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