Girls And Guys Face Off In Fun Dance Challenge
The scenes at the beach made this all the better.
Eduardo Gaskell

A little fun in the sun go hand in hand with warm beaches.

When everyone is loose and relaxed is where the fun begins. Some would play sports or engage in recreational activities, some go for a few drinks, while others prefer just relaxing. All in the name of fun. But sometimes a fun dance is what is in store and this group of friends found the perfect song to make a fun memory with. There’s nothing like a good tune to boogie down and bring lots of smile – and a little exercise doesn’t hurt a bit too, especially when it happens to be on a warm, sunny beach.


Just like this group of six. Three lads and three ladies headed down to the Bahamas last summer, camera in tow, to film themselves doing the trendy “The Git Up” challenge.

Trendy is right. Search online and you will find countless videos ranging from friends and families to police and fire departments getting creative with this challenge.

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They line up on the beach getting ready to show off their dance moves and have a good time together making memories with the internet dance challenge started by Blano Brown’s famous song.

It has already gathered over 58.2 million views (and counting.)

Blanco Brown/Facebook
Blanco Brown/Facebook

It’s a funky, country meets hip-hop tune that’s really catchy. Dancing to the song is made easier because the lyrics will tell you what to do. So no excuses!

It’s a beautiful day and this group of six take their positions following Blanco’s words during the intro,

“I just need you to get real loose
Get comfortable
Grab your loved ones or grab your love partner
And if you’re by yourself no worries”

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Guys and girls just having fun, that’s what this is about!

The song is lighthearted and who wouldn’t want to get up and dance while listening to it!

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There’s even a tutorial video for the dance should they feel the need to brush up on the steps. And it’s the man himself, Blanco Brown, teaching the dance too!

Over 10.1 million viewers have taken the lessons so don’t be shy!

The scene shifts over to the three ladies dancing on a small road. Smiles all around too as they step to the left and to the right, spin and shimmy. You go, girls!

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The boys then join in on the fun.

They form a line and take turns strutting towards the camera. It’s a wonder there were no vehicles passing that road though. All six of them now looking like they’re all warmed up. Put your flip-flops into it!

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“Gon’ and do the 2 step then cowboy boogie
Grab your sweetheart and spin out with ’em
Do the hoedown and get into it”

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The video is refreshing to watch as most are done in police or fire departments, while these guys and girls chose the beach and nature for theirs. With nearly identical slippers and sandals too!

Perhaps Blanco Brown summed it up perfectly when he told Rolling Stone,

“I don’t feel any different pressure other than just being great and doing what I love to do. And it’s just beautiful when you can do what you love to do and you don’t have to alter it.”

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Check out their fun and lighthearted video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube, Rolling Stone
