Man rescues baby seal only to receive ‘thank you’ he’ll never forget
He will never forget this. ❤️
Jake Manning

Ocean pollution is a pressing issue, and its devastating effects on marine life are becoming increasingly apparent.

Recently, a video showcasing two seals entangled in debris has drawn attention to this problem and highlighted the vital work of organizations like OCN in seal conservation.

The video, which has already garnered 14 million views, features dramatic rescues and heartwarming recoveries.

It demonstrates both the severity of ocean pollution and the hope provided by dedicated conservation efforts.


The first seal was found with a thin piece of nylon string wrapped tightly around its neck, causing a deep, painful cut.

The sight of the injured seal struggling with the debris around its neck was a stark reminder of the dangers posed by discarded materials in the ocean.

Despite the severity of the wound, the rescuers were able to remove the string carefully.

The good news was that the cut, though deep, was clean and not infected.


The rescuers expressed optimism about the seal’s recovery, noting that the saltwater would aid in the healing process.

Saltwater is known for its natural healing properties, and the rescuers were confident that it would help prevent any potential infections.

With their expert care and attention, they were sure that the seal would make a full recovery, emphasizing the importance of timely and skilled intervention.


The second seal, a baby male, was caught in something resembling cling wrap or shrink wrap.

Unlike the first seal, the plastic had not yet cut into its skin, but it was only a matter of time before it could have caused serious harm.

The rescuers used a custom-built seal-catching net to capture the seal gently.

Remarkably, the baby seal seemed comfortable in the net and made no attempt to escape, showing a level of trust in its human rescuers.


The rescue team carefully helped the seal get its flippers out of the entangling material.

The process was delicate, but the rescuers worked quickly and efficiently to free the young seal.

After ensuring that it was no longer at risk of being trapped, they gently nudged the seal back toward its colony.

The baby seal eagerly rejoined its friends, a heartwarming sight that underscored the positive impact of the rescue.


Throughout the rescue, the team offered comforting and reassuring remarks to the seals.

Phrases like “You stay here, okay? We’ll come back.” and “You’re going to be better now.” were not just for the seals but also provided a sense of hope and relief to viewers.

Such remarks demonstrated the compassion and dedication of the rescuers, reinforcing the importance of empathy in conservation work.


One particularly touching moment in the video was when one of the rescuers gently petted the baby seal.

A viewer said,

“The pup discovered what domesticated dogs and cats have known for a long time: Being petted feels good.”

This quote highlights the connection between humans and animals and the universal comfort that touch can provide.

It was a reminder of the bonds we share with other creatures and our responsibility to protect them.


The pup’s reaction grabs the hearts of viewers around the world.

It also serves as an educational tool, raising awareness about the impact of ocean pollution on wildlife and the importance of organizations like OCN.

By showcasing successful rescues and recovery stories, the video inspires hope and encourages viewers to take action in protecting marine life.


The rescue of the two seals is proof of the dedication and expertise of the OCN team and other conservation organizations.

Their work not only saves individual animals but also highlights broader environmental issues that require urgent attention.

By addressing the root causes of ocean pollution and promoting sustainable practices, we can ensure a safer future for marine life.

The heartfelt rescues and the seals’ journey to recovery remind us of the critical role we all play in protecting our planet’s precious ecosystems.

Watch the touching rescue in the video below!

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