Baby Koala Bear Climbs Up Boy’s Arm For Leaf
Watching Mom in the background was especially funny to me.
Alyssa Fike

Who doesn’t love adorable wild animals, such as koalas? In this video, we see a cute baby koala climb up a teenage boy’s arm while he’s feeding it a leaf, and it’s so adorable to see the koala curiously do it. Not to mention, the baby koala doesn’t seem to want to leave his side!

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Where are koalas located, and what exactly are they?

It is a common belief that koalas are a type of bear; however, that’s not the case. They are marsupials. This means they are a mammal with a pouch for development for offspring. The koala is an iconic Australian animal, which is where this video takes place.

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Koalas are very cool mammals because they have six opposable thumbs, upside down pouches, and a tendency to sleep all day in branches in the trees. Not only are koalas cool because of these traits, but they’re incredibly lovable and super cute animals.


Although koalas look very soft and fuzzy, their fur is actually more of a wool texture, which is coarse, like a sheep fur. But who wouldn’t want to hold the adorable creature, especially since it’s just a baby!


This unusual encounter happened in their own backyard.

This happened to a mother and son who lived in Adelaide, which is located in Southern Australia. This happened to the pair in their own backyard, and the mother and son were just amazed at how friendly they were and how everything went down.

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The mother, Meagan Pfitzner, recalled the cute encounter with her son in the backyard as something she had never encountered before. They were just amazed at how trusting the koalas were with them and how comfortable the koalas were.

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The teenage boy went to feed the joey a leaf, and it just climbed up his arm.

He starts to feed the baby koala, a joey, it slowly starts to climb off of his mother’s back to retrieve the leaf, and then gradually climbs up the boy’s arm. The joey feels so comfortable he didn’t stop until he was on the boy’s shoulder.

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He sat on the boy’s shoulders for a good amount of time, to the point the young boy tries to get the joey to go back to his mother, which he refuses! He eventually gets it to go on the ground, but the adorable joey still didn’t want to leave his side.

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The mother still looks out the window, hoping the koalas return someday.

The cuddly joey seemed to have made a new human friend, and he didn’t want to leave his new pal. When the joey does return to his mother, it gets on her back and looks very happy. The pair seems glad to be back together, but also very joyful with the experience they had with their new human friends.

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It’s not often you see wild animals be so comfortable with humans, so that’s what makes the video even more charming. Especially an encounter like this one is exciting to see because the darling joey didn’t want to leave the humans side, not even for its mom!

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This experience is definitely not one that would often happen, but the family hopes one day the koalas will return, and they can have another beautiful encounter.

Check out this beautiful experience for yourself below!

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