Baby Horses Play In Field With Mama And Little Girl
Watching Mama with her two babies and this little girl melted my heart.
Eduardo Gaskell

Horses have to be one of the most beautiful animals in this planet.

They are physically imposing with those long legs, gorgeous manes, and shiny coats. They move with so much strength and grace that if there fashion commercials in the animal world, these creatures would be the models.


Early humans began domesticating horses around 4000 BC and by 3000 BC have been believed to be widespread. There are so many different breeds from every location on the planet.

Horses come in different sizes, colors, and personalities that depending on the work or application called for, there is one that is suited for the task.


The Belgian Draft is one of those “you’d have to see it to believe it” kind of horses. It is one of the strongest draft breeds and has held the record for being the tallest and largest of their kind on this planet.

They are very strong and hardworking which makes them ideal for lots of agricultural and pulling work.

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Belgian Draft’s are docile and willing which also makes them great for riding pleasure and as show horses. Just like this family of three.

This mare and her two foals are quite the good looking bunch. Check out mom’s muscles!

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According to the uploader, Robert Piessens, the two young ones are Lisa and Fien. Both 4 days old. To look like that at 4 days old is unbelievable.

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You can see both just nursing from their stunning mother. These horses look like something from a fantasy novel or film. Their coats aren’t exactly black but more like a greyish brown at certain angles.

The pretty mare just grazes as her young ones walk and run around her. One even looks to be running towards the one recording them and stops short out of curiosity.

They follow mom whenever she decides to stretch those ridiculously huge muscles and they must be wondering what feats mom are capable of doing. You guys will know someday, that’s for sure!

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A young girl then walks up to the huge mare and has a brief exchange with her first. Looks like she wants to play with the kids! It’s always good to ask for a parent’s permission before approaching their young and this smart little lady did just that!

The video has over 6.7 million views and even viewers in the comments section noticed the connection.

“Pleas note the child approaches in clear view of the mother. The mother smells her first then she approach the foal.”

says a commenter.

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The young girl in her pretty pink button down approaches one of the mare’s young and proceeds to pet them. Not sure if that’s Lisa or Fien but you can see the curiosity and interest of the young horse.

Looks like they’ve both made new friends!

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The mother and her young seem to have startled the pretty human when they moved but it’s all good. One of the horses drops down to the grass and even belly’s up as the girl pets him (her?).

Don’t worry there will be more days to interact! Finally, a man arrives and leads the mom and her young out of the grassy area and maybe they went home? We can’t tell but those are really beautiful horses.

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Watch these stunning animals in the video below.

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Source: YouTube, The Equinest
