15 Airline secrets that will make you feel a lot safer while flying
You know those small holes in the airplane windows? They're called "bleed holes" – and they're there for a very important reason! 🛩️ 😮
Michael Dabu

Traveling by plane often involves certain secrets and hidden tips that most passengers are unaware of.

The seats with the highest survival rates in a crash tend to be the uncomfortable middle seats at the back of the plane.

However, airlines usually prioritize selling premium seats, leaving these safer seats less advertised and often avoided by passengers who seek more comfort during flights.

YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)

Booking direct flights offers more than just the convenience of skipping a layover.

Most aviation accidents happen during takeoff and landing, making fewer connections a safer choice.

By booking direct flights instead of multiple connections, passengers reduce the number of risky moments during their journey.

It’s an easy and effective way to increase personal safety.

YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)

Following flight procedures is critical for safety, even if they seem minor.

Personal items should always be stowed securely under the seat in front to prevent them from flying around in an emergency.

Keeping tray tables secured and window shades up ensures emergency exits are clear and visible.

Cabin lights are dimmed during takeoff and landing to help passengers adjust to darkness if an emergency occurs during these risky flight phases.

YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)

Life vests are vital for water safety but are sometimes missing.

Passengers should always check to ensure a life vest is under their seat since other travelers might have taken them.

The small “bleed holes” in airplane windows are another hidden safety feature, helping to regulate cabin pressure and prevent window fogging.

YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)

Airplane bathrooms have unexpected features, despite smoking being prohibited on flights.

Airplane bathrooms are equipped with ashtrays so that passengers can safely extinguish cigarettes in case someone tries to smoke illegally.

Additionally, bathrooms are equipped with a hidden latch that allows flight attendants to unlock the door from the outside if a passenger requires help or has locked themselves in by accident.

YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)

Clear-air turbulence, known as air pockets, is a crucial phenomenon for passengers to be aware of.

These unpredictable “air pockets” can cause sudden drops or lifts in flight.

Pilots always keep their seat belts fastened during the flight, and passengers should follow suit to ensure their safety, even if the seatbelt sign is off.

YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)

Maintaining hygiene during flights is essential for passenger health and well-being.

Airplane floors, seatback pockets, and tray tables can harbor germs, so it’s good practice to wipe surfaces down before using them.

Passengers can also keep their overhead air vents open to maintain fresh airflow throughout their journey.

YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
YouTube Screenshot - Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)

Blankets and pillows offered during flights are often reused.

They may only be clean and fresh for the first flight of the day, after which they may be reused for subsequent flights.

For added hygiene, passengers can consider bringing their own travel blanket or ask the flight crew when the items were last cleaned before use.

Pexels - eric fotos
Pexels - eric fotos

Understanding these little-known airplane secrets can make your journey safer, healthier, and more comfortable.

The next time you fly, you’ll be more prepared and ready to handle any challenges, all while staying relaxed and enjoying the experience.

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