Cats are mysterious creatures. They are daring, clever, and – of course – adorable. But owners often wonder how much their cat truly loves them. After all, some cats may simply be doing what their humans want in order to get food. Here are 6 sure-fire signs that prove that your cat does actually love you.
1. Your Cat Will Drool Over You

Anyone can meow, but not all cats drool when their owners show them love. If your kitty is dripping drool when you love on her, you can believe she loves you.
2. Your Cat Will Curl Up On The Couch With You

Having a movie night and staying in? This will be your cat’s prime time to snuggle up and show you affection. If your cat curls up with you on the couch, she definitely loves you.
3. She Will Shower You With Presents

Cats are hunters, and they think humans are hunters, too. Our animals don’t understand what a grocery store is – they think we kill our dinner ourselves. So when your feline friend brings you a bird or mouse, don’t be grossed out! She is just trying to help you feed the family.
4. She Will Never Let You Get Work Done

Real love is sitting on your keyboard all day when your project is due tomorrow. It is sprawling across your lap when you have to get up to make that phone call. If your cat follows you everywhere and is constantly getting in the way of your professional life, it’s true love.
5. Your Cat Hates When You Leave The House

You are the protector of the house, and the alpha of the pack. If your cat loves you, she will absolutely hate seeing you leave in the mornings. She might freak out, even though she knows you will be back. Don’t be frustrated; it’s all in the name of love.
6. Your Cat Will Be Stoked When You Return

As angry as she was when you left, your cat can’t stay mad at you for long. By the time you come home, she will be clamoring to see you. Soak in the excitement. This is what kitty love feels like.
You may wonder what your cat thinks of you, but you don’t have to worry about whether or not she loves you. If your cat exhibits these 6 behaviors, she truly loves you.
And as a bonus, here are some other things your cat does and what they mean.
7. Rubbing Against You

Cats like to rub against you for the same reason that they like to rub against furniture. Your cat is “marking” you with his/her scent. You are his/her human and he/she wants everyone to know it. Take it as a compliment! Your cat is showing pride in having you as an owner.
8. Kneading
This is when cats look like they are kneading/making bread. This is a behavior from their days as a baby, when they would knead at their mother’s breast to stimulate milk production. It’s a calming movement to for cats that helps them feel calm as well! Sometimes the cats themselves will knead on your body, which expresses comfort towards you. Your cat likes you, that’s always a good thing.
9. Uncovered Poop
Cats are beloved as pets because of their ability to take care of themselves, and that includes how they handle their waste. So when a cat is not covering their poop, it’s a sign of anger towards its owners. Cats are never great with authority figures, so they might do something like this after a situation that questions their dominance.
10. Twitching Ears
This one is one to watch for. Twitching ears are a sign of anxiety and/or agitation, and its a sign to back off and leave them alone. Following actions could be a little bit more unpleasant- including running away, hissing, and more.
11. Staring With Their Mouths Open
This is your cat doing a scientific action called the “Flehmen response.” The cat opens his mouth to smell through the roof of its mouth, helping them understand more complex scents than what the nose by itself can decipher. It looks like your cat might be curling its lips, but it’s doing something incredibly complex!
12. Little Meow
A little meow if their way of saying hello and greeting you. It’s subtle and sweet and easy to understand. Cats will most likely follow the meowing up by rubbing up against you. What a great thing to come home to!
13. Chattering
This is another sign of frustration when your cat isn’t able to get what it wants. It sounds a little weird for sure, but it’s a completely normal sound.
14. Laying on stuff
When cats want attention, they’ll do everything they can to get your attention, and that means laying on your stuff and demanding that you play. It’s also a sign that they want to feel secure, and safe around you. Try having your cat around when you’re most relaxed to relax your cat as well!
15. Sleeping on your chest
Going again with feeling secure, your cat loves sleeping on your chest because of your warmth, as well as being able to feel your heartbeat! It’s a sign your cat feels protected against you. It might be a little tough with a cat on your chest, but take it as a sign of love!
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Source: Sho Ko, Petcha/She Knows, Shareably