Every generation has some kinds of toy crazy. Kids absolutely have to have it and their parents are willing to dish out big bucks on it.
While fads like Pogs, Tamagotchis, and Furbies seemed like a waste of money, Beanie Babies were treated as collectibles.
Some people kept their Beanie Babies in pristine condition so that they’d be worth a lot of money some day. Or at least that’s what we told our parents. But some of them are actually worth a ton of cash these days.
Here Are 20 Of The Most Valuable Beanie Babies You Might Have That Are Worth A Fortune:

1) The Wallaces
This Beanie Baby came in a set. It had one large-sized “Wallace” with two regular sized friends, Cashew and Huggy. It’s currently on eBay for $680,000 but one collector bought a set for $1 million.

2) Princess Bear
This 1997 baby was dedicated to Princess Diana. Apparently, she’s the rarest of all the Beanie Babies and Princess Bears. She’s selling for $675,000 on eBay.

3) Large Ariel and friends Issy, Ariel, and Peanut
Ariel was introduced in 2000 as a tribute to a 7-year-old child who passed away due to complications from AIDS. The large 8-inch Ariel and small Ariel, along with Issy and Peanut are on sale on eBay. They are selling for $578,000.

4) 15-inch Peace Bear and 9-inch Peace, Ringo and Bones
This extra large bear and his pals will fetch you some major money. The group is currently on sale on eBay. They are going for $358,000.

5) Bubbles
This beanie isn’t a bear at all. It’s a Bubbles. This cute little fish is selling for $176,0000.

6) Hippity
This little bunny is worth about a year of college tuition. He’s selling for $49,999.99. You can learn how to appraise your Peace and Hippity Beanie Babies here.

7) Patti the Platypus
This Beanie Babies are pretty sought-after. It’s because of their magenta color, it was the first time the color has ever appeared in a Beanie Baby. It is worth $19,500.

8) Blackie the Bear
He’s the most realistic looking bear out of all the Beanie Babies. The Blackie the Bear’s value is based upon what generation the bear is from. He sold for $49,999.

9) Valentino
You might see a lot of these guys out there. Most of them sell for very little. But the ones with errors are the tags are worth a ton like this one that is on sale for $42,299.

10) Claude the Crab
This is the first Beanie Baby to have his own poem. “Claude the crab paints by the sea; A famous artist he hopes to be; But the tide came in and his paints fell; Now his art is on his shell!” He is selling for $30,000.

11) Seaweed
Oh my goodness, look at this cutie! This otter is being sold for $30,000. That’s because he is a limited edition Beanie babies and has four errors.

12) Jake
This is Jake the mallard. And you could buy yourself a new Jake or a new car for the same price. He’s being sold for $18,000.

13) Hope
This is Hope the praying Beanie Baby. This one was made in 1999 and has tag errors. It is being sold for $15,000.

14) Britannia the Bear
This toy came from McDonald’s. The Britannia The Bear is from 1997. This one has rare errors.

15) Halo
This little guy is going for $13,500 on eBay. He is a little angel. He’s so expensive because he has a white star instead of a yellow star on his tag.

16) Pouch
These are like two Beanie Babies in one. Pouch the Kangaroo and his baby Bongo. They sold for $10,000.

17) Holiday Teddy
This is a 1996-97 Beanie Baby. And this one is valuable because of its errors. It is selling for $10,000.

18) Snort
Snort is a red bull, but he won’t give you wings. Unless you sell him, then you can buy a plane ticket. He is selling for $7,500.

19) Gobbles
Gobbles is a rare 1996 Beanie Baby. All of his value lies in his tags. He is selling for $6,667.

20) Spangle

If you have one of these, you could send yourself on a nice shopping spree. This pink-faced bear is selling for big bucks. He’s on eBay for $1,289.99.
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