Nowadays because of the big income inequality in our society, more and more people are talking about double standards on the way people are treated. So, when someone asked “What’s classy if you’re rich but trashy if you’re poor?” on Reddit, people rushed to give their own interpretations and comments. Below you will find 12 statements that we found really funny, we hope you like them!
1. Asking for money. When you’re poor it’s begging, when you’re rich, it’s a fundraiser.

Of course, the motive behind asking could be kinda different. One could argue that a fundraiser is a charity thus the money doesn’t go to the person asking!
2. The most expensive thing you own is a really old car.

And sometimes these old cars are practically treasures! Check your garages because you might have a priceless antic there hiding.
3. Having other people raise your kids.

Well, in both cases if the parents are working, someone must raise the kids. In some rich households though it’s true that the kids spend much more time with their nannies or the people supervising their schedules.
4. Having a wedding in your yard.

There are yard weddings and there are “chic garden” weddings. You will agree that everything depends on the budget and the scale of the wedding!
5. Having a barren house. If you’re rich, it’s called minimalism. If you’re poor, it’s not being able to afford furniture.

Well, now poor households that cannot fill their houses with unnecessary objects can always say they are minimalists! Although I believe that space is usually well-valued in poor households due to the small size.
6. Rich people collect. Poor people hoard.

This statement is so funny, although one could argue that the size of the “collection” is definitely much bigger in a hoarder’s house. Having said that, it’s not impossible for rich people to be hoarders as well, although their “collection” rooms should be much bigger and with more valuable objects!
7. Wearing “vintage” clothing instead of hand-me-downs.

This is a constant debate among shoppers these days. The difference lies in the brands, the establishment, and the way the used clothes are marketed. If you buy a well-preserved used dress in a cute little shop, then you buy vintage. If you buy a worn pair of jeans at a flea market then you are wearing hand-me-downs!
8. Cheese as a meal

I think the photo says it all! It’s all about the way the cheese is served, of course the different types of cheese that can be ridiculously priced, and let’s not forget about the bottle of wine that you have along with it. There is a difference as to what type of cheese meal you might have!
9. Going to the horse races

Again we come back to money and your motive of attending horse races. Often for rich people horse races are a social event on their calendar, they spend limited time there and if they were regulars, they would probably afford it. For poor people, horse racing was always a way of escapism and a quick way to make some cash if one was lucky!
10. Walking around all day in a bathrobe.

Lazy or comfortable chic homewear? In my opinion, in both cases, people are too bored to get dressed so they are going around their house half-dressed, which isn’t bad, on the contrary awfully common and familiar!
11. Being really into wine

Wine doesn’t discriminate! Wine lovers can come from all walks of life and if you are a heavy drinker, you will be probably stigmatized and labeled as an alcoholic regardless of the size of your pocket!
12. Dressing provocatively. When you’re rich it’s a fashion statement, when you’re poor you’re a working girl.

This is just another shameful social stereotype for shaming women. We shouldn’t judge the books by their covers and so much more the human beings!
We hope you found the 12 statements as funny as we thought them to be, and if you have more to add to the list don’t hesitate to visit the Reddit thread and add your comments!
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