12 times people realized companies were actually trying to trick them
You’ll never believe what popular products made the list!
Alissa Gaskell

The minimalist approach to living is so much easier admired and describe than done. As much as we want to live by the saying “less is more”, there is always something tempting waiting around the corner – a product or a service that coaxes us with unique selling points and enticing benefits. You see, the companies behind these products have the whole marketing strategy thing down pat. They attract, lure, and before you know it, we’re being reeled in. Basically, it’s your uncertain “I don’t need this” versus their sweet “Oh, but you do.”

So what happens when you give in only to end up realizing you got played? Because let’s face it, some (okay, most) products aren’t true to their advertisements. Just like these.

1. Not so classy for a classic, Coca-Cola.

Facebook/Nan's SuperValu Ballymun
Facebook/Nan's SuperValu Ballymun

Passing by the shelf of neatly displayed Coke bottles won’t cause anyone to stop and look twice. Well after seeing this, you’ll have to start doing so. Because apparently, the size of the popular carbonated drink went down to 1.75 liters from 2 liters but the price? Still the same.

2. How thinking inside the box really works


Before grabbing your go-to cereal brand, you might want to read the labels more carefully, especially the number of grams included in the box. You see, these cereal companies like switching things up. You think it’s just the colors or the images on the box but really, it’s product reduction at its subtlest. Don’t pay the same price for something that contains less.

3. The out-of-this-world Mars technique


Clearly, there’s a difference in size. But have you researched on the price? From the bigger, original version that has been around since the 90s, the company decided to decrease the size of the bar and double the price. Now that’s bold. And just plain mean.

4. Oh snap, Kit-Kat!


Who would’ve guessed that Kit-Kat would pull a Mars, too? This is another classic case of a company reducing the size of the product and selling it for the same prize. Is this really a marketing thing?

5. The bitter side of beer


If you’re a beer drinker who frequents bars after work or on the weekends, you probably already noticed how the standard 16 oz. glass has been replaced with a short-handed 14 oz. one. While it seems like just a casual “oh, they changed up the glass” thing, customers don’t seem to realize this prompts him into ordering more as the newer glass contains less. Short pouring, to be exact.

6. Talk about having clever Twix up their sleeve


I guess Twix didn’t think twice about joining the club, huh? Mars and Kit-Kat showed ’em all how it was done and now, it’s become a trend. The Twix bar is apparently 14% smaller than its original size. And the prize? Yep, you guessed it. Still the same.

7. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there.


Poor doggies! Even they’re not safe from the sneaky tricks in the world of consumerism. While not much seems to have changed in the packaging, it’s definitely not the same inside. Because now, your furry pal gets one less beef stick than before. Sigh.

8. Not cool, Cadbury.

Open Food Facts
Open Food Facts

The UK managing director of Cadbury declared that “we must play our part in tackling obesity and are committed to doing so without compromising on consumer choice”. But the issue doesn’t lie in the changes made in the recipe – it’s in the way the prices stay the same despite the significant difference in blends.

9. So much for actually being hefty.


Hefty bags decided to go with Coca-Cola’s direction on this one. With changes in the boxes’ size clearly signifying fewer bags, the company continues charging the same price despite offering ten pieces less than before. Amazing how most consumers failed to notice this one!

10. The Pringle pickle


Because of a few changes made in the manufacturing process, the popular snack now comes in smaller tubes and are now made and shipped from Malaysia, too. You’d think smaller means a bit cheaper but no. The change in size didn’t affect the price of the Pringles tubes at all.

11. Bigger isn’t always better.


Take it from Doritos who came up with bigger bags to make you think you get to enjoy more chips when in reality, the number of grams remain the same. Can’t help but feel terrible for consumers who fail to take notice of these details and still pay the same even when they’re given less.

12. New and improved, or new and reduced?


Your go-to shampoo just got a makeover – in terms of size and content. With clearly less product inside, why are you still being asked to pay the same price? Clever, clever marketing trick.

Hopefully this list compels you to do a more extensive inspection on the products you choose before taking them straight to the checkout counter. You don’t always get what you pay for, that much is true. Fortunately, you always have a choice. The price isn’t always right but not all products and companies operate the same way. Shop smart and get your money’s value!

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