10 tombstones that show some people’s sense of humor lives on for eternity
Keep 'em laughing!

Cemeteries are rarely funny places. But some folks lived their life in laughter and intend to keep people laughing well after their gone.

Imagine walking through a graveyard only to come across one of these hauntingly hilarious tombstones.

They give us some great ideas for our own epithets!

1. We have no say in it

Now, this is a thought-provoking tombstone right here. And you have to admit, they’re not wrong.

Life is a funny, beautiful, and miraculous thing, isn’t it? One day we’re born into this work and a short lifetime later, we leave it. Many ask what’s the point, or what does it all mean? I suppose that’s up to you.

2. Eternally disappointed

This person has a very large ego or some seriously high hopes. One thing’s for sure, they didn’t get the pyramid they had hoped for.

But their lasting sense of humor is even better than a pyramid. Right?

3. And still there was love

If you’ve ever lived in a household with multiple siblings (sisters, at that!), then you know that bathroom vacancy (or the lack thereof) can cause serious drama. We applaud this parent for having the patience and sanity to deal with that. Plus, we commend them for letting the world know about the hardships they’ve endured.

4. True

Epic epitaph

Sorry, Mitchell – it is what it is. And even though you had to go – at least you have a beautiful and funny tombstone to let your memory live on forever.

So, yes, although your current situation clearly sucks – you’re still making people laugh from the afterlife and that’s pretty darn cool.

5. Excuse me, ma’am

If you can read this

If you like to play jokes on people that make them feel awkward, consider doing it for all eternity with a bold reminder on your headstone.

We’re sorry she’s gone because we would have liked to know her.

6. Indeed

Although it sucks to be them right now, because, you know, you’re alive and reading this – if there’s one thing we all have in common, it’s our mortality here on earth.

So, hopefully, this person can cheer up while on the other side knowing that we’ll all be joining them sooner or later.

7. Keep life sweet

If this isn’t the sweetest tombstone you’ve ever come across then I don’t know what would be.

Whoever this mom was, it sounds like she must have made some of the best cookies on the planet. Thankfully, her family was kind enough to share it with anyone who passes by. She was probably a very sweet and caring lady.

8. Who turned off the lights?

Find A Grave
Find A Grave

Frances Eileen “Fran” Dederich Thatcher of Reedsburg, Wisconsin died at the age of 61 with her sense of humor still intact.

9. And then you die

Find A Grave
Find A Grave

Edith isn’t here to sugarcoat anything for you and she likes to tell it like it is – even if it’s from the heavens above.

We’re certain that Edith’s 50 short years on this planet were full of wisecracks, jokes, and a lot of laughing. Her friends and family must miss her dearly.

10. Told ya

Some people manage to be passive-aggressive well into eternity.

We might not know who this person was but we’re fairly certain it was someone who liked to say “I told you so” quite often. Regardless, we appreciate the humor.


We definitely laughed at these jokes from beyond the grave.

Do you know someone who would want a headstone like this?

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