Young dancing duo snatch first place with smooth-footed routine
They make it look so easy but steal that win like it's nothing.
Erica Kononen

Do you know any teenagers? What have they been busy with? Are they on their devices all the time?


It is time to encourage them to take up a hobby!

Technology is great. Our smart phones enable us to accomplish so many tasks in record speed. It allows us to connect with friends near and far in real time.

However, it is important to balance our online time with our offline time. According to this article, teens who spend more time in extracurricular activities and away from their phones have better mental health. In particular, it claims that:

“Finding safe ways for children and teens to continue to participate in these activities during current times may be a way to reduce screen time and promote mental health and wellbeing.”

Thus, it is a loving thing to suggest that teenagers take a hobby (like chess!).


Meet Mack and Trinity

Mack West and Trinity Davis are two of the best young dancers in the world. They are accomplished in the field and have won several competitions. Their forte is shag dancing.

YouTube user Bruce Gleason
YouTube user Bruce Gleason

What is shag dancing?

Shag dancing is a two-person dance that is usually set to jazz, swing and beach music. The dance appears easy. However, once you actually try to do the steps, you will realize that it takes more effort to do well in it.

YouTube user - Bruce Gleason
YouTube user - Bruce Gleason

Our young dancers are very impressive

As mentioned earlier, Mack and Trinity are well-known in the dancing circles. A YouTube video of their performance in the Grand Nationals has garnered over 270 thousand views to date! What is extra impressive is that for this particular dance, the two got first place in the Young America category.

YouTube user - Bruce Gleason
YouTube user - Bruce Gleason

Twirling and turning

The cute pair twist and turns without any effort. As their feet dance to the rhythm of Kelley Hunt’s Queen of the 88’s, the audience is mesmerized. They do not miss a beat.

YouTube user - Bruce Gleason
YouTube user - Bruce Gleason

The two are so in sync that it is hard to realize how fast their footwork actually is. They also have a great connection. She relies on his lead as he signals small dips and twists.

Their choreography is very fluid. Their footwork is crazy. They do many one-foot twirls while keeping genuine smiles on their faces. They are having fun and it shows.

YouTube user - Bruce Gleason
YouTube user - Bruce Gleason

They are dressed to kill

The two are great dancers as well as seasoned performers. At a young age, they know what to do to look the part. Mack is adorned with a checkered-pattern sweater, black pants and a long-sleeved polo. Trinity, on the other hand, has her hair up in a high ponytail to complement the yellow pantsuit that she accessorized with a gold belt.

YouTube user - Bruce Gleason
YouTube user - Bruce Gleason

The audience adores them

When the duo ends their dance, the audience showers them with warm applauses. Some even give them a standing ovation. Their stage presence and kick-ass steps certainly deserve the praise. They may be young but they sure are impressive.

YouTube user - Bruce Gleason
YouTube user - Bruce Gleason

These two are great examples that the young should take up hobbies

We all know anecdotally that dancing decreases stress. It is healing and fun. Aside from this, the pair also have a great bond between them. Their friendship will probably last a lifetime. These are definitely worth more than any trophy.

Check out the video below to watch these stellar dancers in action!

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