Young couples wow the audience when they bust out ‘Dirty Dancing’ routine
They pull it off so awesomely. Not to mention, I love their unique spin on the 'lift.'
Patricia Lynn

There are certain movies that make you want to hit the dance floor, one, of course, being Dirty Dancing.

The 1987 movie had everyone dancing in their seats, and secretly wishing they could run off to a summer camp and fall in love. Unsurprisingly, it continues to inspire people today.

There was nothing quite like this teenage drama set in 1963 that starred Jennifer Grey and the late, great Patrick Swayze.

The dance at the end of the movie made it an instant classic that movie-goers will never forget.

The Bodscheller Dance School offers their rendition of the movie’s epic dance scene.

A group of very talented dancers from Hildesheim, Germany decided to give the dance a try. Their performance of the most memorable dance from “Dirty Dancing” blew the crowd away.

Let’s just say they must be big fans of the movie too!

They took us back to 1987.

With every turn and whirl, these dancers wowed the audience with their spot-on routine.

The music and the feel of the performance were legendary and after being uploaded to YouTube, it has been viewed over 2.4 million times.

It’s not hard to see why the video is so popular. The dancers took us right back to the 80s and gave us all the feels.

YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller
YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller

The Bodscheller Dance School dancers were probably not expecting the performance to gain the attention it did.

The event took place in an Oktoberfest hall and as the dancers started their routine, many people didn’t have a clue what was in store for them.

There’s not just ONE “Johnny and Baby” on the dance floor – there are actually EIGHT couples in the performance.

YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller
YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller

The partners perform the classic moves.

With both the men and women moving along to the music, those iconic moves start to take shape. The audience is amazed at their level of talent.

They were likely expecting something simple. However, this was no amateur performance!

Their rendition of the beloved dance from “Dirty Dancing” captivated the entire crowd.

YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller
YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller

“I’ve had the time of my life.”

Well, the audience was definitely having the time of their lives watching the routine. The famous song from the movie was getting the entire audience in the mood to dance.

The dancers themselves seemed to pick up on the energy and stepped up their game. Soon, people were taking out their phones to record the memorable dance routine.

YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller
YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller

Time to really wow the crowd.

What would the dance be if it didn’t include the epic lift featured in the movie? Well, these dancers were very aware of the importance of this unforgettable move and executed it in a unique way.

All the male dancers are seen flipping their partners, then lifting them into the air to the audience’s delight. There are cheers all around for these talented young people.

YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller
YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller

The internet fell in love with the performance too.

This song takes us right back in time and for people watching the dance online, this was no different. “Patrick Swayze would be so proud,” one person wrote on YouTube.

Another person commented,

“I thought the dancing was excellent Jennifer Grey would be proud to watch this. People replicating her dance moves.”

I think everyone can agree that these kids did a phenomenal job achieving the magic that made the movie so special.

YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller
YouTube Screenshot - Tanzschule Bodscheller

It’s a fabulous performance that might have you dancing along with them. Press play below to see it for yourself!

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