Have you ever received advice that makes no sense or was outright ridiculous?
The host of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, once asked his Twitter followers to share the funniest and most bizarre advice they’d ever received. He started by sharing a funny piece of advice he received: “I used horse shampoo because I was told it would make my hair shinier but it turns out it’s just for horses. #Badvice.”
As it turned out, Jimmy’s followers had even wilder stories about the worst advice they ever received and we picked 15 that truly boggled our minds.
1. Dating advice
A friend once told to me to sniff a girl’s hair and ask for her shoe size. He said it was good way to ask her on a date #Badvice
— Jacob Denton (@JobacTendon) September 28, 2016
Well, that’s probably a lesson you only have to learn once.
2. Just hold it
Jimmy reads your hilarious #Badvice tweets! https://t.co/TbcA1oQAwg pic.twitter.com/N2UP3tzlqR
— The Tonight Show (@FallonTonight) October 1, 2016
Well, that’s not really going to help cure you, but it might technically help you cut down on the coughing!
3. Oh, brother
my brother told me that the speed limit was just a suggestion and i repeated that to a cop who then wanted my brothers info #badvice
— aves 🦇 (@averagemewtwo) September 29, 2016
We kinds of hope the kid gave up his brother’s contact info!
4. Little dodger
When I was little it was raining and my dad told me “if you run really fast you can dodge all the rain drops” I believed him. #Badvice
— Alex (@AlexTyburski) September 28, 2016
It’s not the worst way to encourage exercise!
5. Well…that’s kind of true
I had a leak in my roof. My dad told me I don’t have to fix it because it only leaks when it rains. #Badvice
— John Bertini (@BertiniJ) September 28, 2016
Some problems only get worse when they’re ignored.
6. Blue-eyed bees
My dad told me blue eyed bumble bees don’t sting so I went around grabbing bumble bees to see their eye color. #badvice
— Matalyn (@Haz_Mattie) September 28, 2016
To be fair, that’s a decent way to teach your kids that bees aren’t that scary. Well, unless they get stung a bunch trying this out.
7. Honesty: not always the best policy
Mom said I should always say what’s on my mind. That advice is why I was called into HR today. 😕. @jimmyfallon @FallonTonight #Badvice
— Kerri Gray 🍀 (@kerrikgray) September 28, 2016
We’ve taken this advice to heart as well. It hardly ever works out for the best, does it?
8. Ouch!
My friend said the only way to get rid of a sunburn was by wearing tight clothes to squeeze the burn off #Badvice @FallonTonight
— Holly Rety (@hollyrety) September 29, 2016
Well, it’s one way to get rid of your skin!
9. Aren’t brothers the best?
as a kid, after I got dizzy from spinning around, my big brother told me “just spin the other direction to cancel it out” #badvice #hurl
— Jon Stamm (@jonstamm) September 29, 2016
Seriously, why are brothers always giving the worst advice?
10. Actually…
Jimmy reads some of your funniest #Badvice tweets! 🚙🚦➡️ https://t.co/is0YEWHHeh pic.twitter.com/XNyYXyKH22
— The Tonight Show (@FallonTonight) September 30, 2016
Plenty of things are no one else’s business. But in this case, there’s a reason we signal our intentions to others!
Want to hear Jimmy Fallon read his favorites pieces of #badvice?
Be sure to scroll down below for a show segment that featured the biggest fails.
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