Woman Turns Camera On - Watch The Hilarious Moment She Shaves Her Head
Her attitude while shaving her head is inspiring!
Arianna Etemadieh

Would you shave your head on a whim? Most of us would say no. Our hair is one of our defining features, and its absence could cause a drastic change in your looks.

Well, one person decided they didn’t care about shaving their head. So with the camera on and recording, Sara Forsberg captured her amazing transformation.


Typically with this kind of drastic act, you’re not sure if someone will actually go through with it. That’s part of the allure of watching – will she or won’t she? And if she does, what will she look like?

Sara provides an engaging and hilarious commentary while she goes about shaving her head. She casually talks and cracks jokes all while she cuts her hair with scissors and shaves it down with a hair clipper.

But despite her confident swagger, she still reacts like any of us would to shaving their head. After her initial buzz with the hair clipper, she loudly gasps and pauses at the sight.


“I can see my head!” she says.

So why is she doing this? Is it just for views?

In the beginning the video, and throughout it, Sara talks about always wanting to shave her head. It was a bucket list item for her, but she always put it off because it wasn’t the “right time”.

But then, on August 23, 2017, she decided to take charge of her own destiny and actually shave her head.


“I like to think that beauty doesn’t derive from hair, and so my beauty is not defined by the length of my hair or the looks of it, and I just kinda want to feel free,” she says in the video.

Her confidence is inspiring for those who don’t have a choice to lose their hair. When she finishes shaving her last chunk of hair, she doesn’t immediately regret her decision – instead, she instantly loves it.

She embraces not having to wash her hair in the shower anymore and to be free of worry about styling her hair. Yes, the act of shaving her head was “super scary”, but she still stepped out of her comfort zone.

And if you’re wondering if she eventually regretted her decision, she hasn’t. She’s still rocking the look months later and shares what it’s like sporting a shaved hairdo.

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Check out her amazing transformation below! What do you think of her new hairstyle?

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