Mom With No Legs Amazingly Performs Daily Tasks With Feet
More than 9 million people have watched her amazing video.
D.G. Sciortino

Life isn’t easy and everyone has their fair share of problems.

That’s no secret.

But when life presents us with what we perceive as problems, we often have two choices.

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To either make the best or worst of the circumstances we’re dealt.

One Asian woman is being praised on the internet for her strength in choosing to make the best of her situation. Though this woman has no arms she is still able to take good care of herself and her family.

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She recently went viral after the Facebook page “The Beautiful Things” posted a video of her performing her daily tasks.

And she does it all with her feet since she doesn’t have arms.

This amazing woman has learned to zip up a jacket of a little girl in the video, place her the girl’s hair in pigtails, and feed the girl as well as herself using just her feet.

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The video shows the woman doing a variety of other tasks such as applying makeup, pouring a large jug of milk without spilling it, and opening up the refrigerator.

Once the fridge is open, she knocks over a piece of fruit until it hits the floor.

She then kicks it up with her foot and catches it with her neck.

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It’s incredible and quite amazing.

She then takes it over to the sink to wash it off before eating it.

This phenomenal woman can even thread a needle with just her feet, something some people with two hands can’t even do.

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One of the most impressive things this woman can do without arms is cook!

She can rip off the unwanted ends of vegetables, mix a salad, and even chop vegetables.

Yes, this woman can wield a giant meat cleaver and chopping knife to finely chop vegetables with her feet.

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It’s beyond incredible.

This woman is nothing short of inspiring.

She is proof that people really can overcome any obstacle they face if they try and believe in themselves.

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And lots of people on the internet must think so too.

The video has been viewed more than 9.8 million times.

She has touched the spirits of many who have watched the video online.

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“Thanks a lot! I know it is not easy living but you have been through the most difficult time…as to psychologically and heartfully accept your tough condition and life. To deeply thank you very very much because you help me lifting my own spirit up and fight with everything that I think ‘difficult or tough.’ Once again… ‘Thank you.'”

You can watch the video below.

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