Woman Slips Desperate Note To Cashier While Being Human Trafficked
She was able to slip the cashier a note to let her know she was in trouble...
Kalli Sarkin

As tragic as it is, many humans are in danger of being trafficked. It only takes a moment of letting your guard down to wind up in a situation you can’t get out of. Fortunately, some employees are trained to recognize victims of human trafficking. Even untrained citizens can save someone by recognizing the red flags.

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Since cashiers come into contact with a lot of people, they have a good chance of being able to recognize someone who is being manipulated and controlled. One cashier recognized a woman in need of help, and she acted fast. Thanks to her, multiple women have regained their freedom.

Kim was working as a cashier in a supermarket called Busan in South Korea. When a group of rough-looking men accompanied a young woman into the store, Kim knew something wasn’t right.


She paid close attention to the girl, who seemed to sulk away from her companions. When the men weren’t looking, this woman handed Kim a note.


It was written in three different languages, and the message was clear. The woman asked for help from the police, and she explained that she was being held in the fourth floor of a building. She also admitted that she was “working illegally.” This woman was in desperate need of help.

Kim knew she had to come up with something quick, so she asked the woman for her phone number, pretending it was a necessary part of the store’s reward system. The woman was too afraid to call emergency services, but this way Kim would have a number to give to the police.


The men were fine with the number being given out for this purpose. Thanks to Kim’s creativity, the police were able to track down the location of the telephone. It led them to a business called Kiss Room, one with a history of prostitution.

When the police arrived they arrested a man named Lee, the owner of the phone number, and four others. They found five girls who had been held hostage, including the one that Kim had spoken to. These poor girls had been forced to sell themselves, and they had been kept there as prisoners for months.

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The police continue to investigate the prostitution ring, and their suspected customer list contains over 300 names. It is terrifying to think that this tragedy is so common.

Thanks to Kim’s bravery and ingenuity, multiple women were able to reclaim their lives. If more people educate themselves about the signs of someone who is being trafficked, more of us will be able to step in and stop this horrific phenomenon.

Read about the red flags here so you can recognize a victim in need of help.

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