Woman leaves sign on front sidewalk marking it a ‘silly walking area’, neighbors do not disappoint
It doesn't get more hilarious than this. 😂
D.G. Sciortino

If there is anything that this world collectively needs now, it’s a good laugh.

One of the things people still have the freedom to do during the coronavirus epidemic is going for walks.

So, some of them figured they would make this as fun as possible in their neighborhoods.


The jurisdiction of the Ministry of Silly Walks has been growing and spreading throughout our lands.

These jurisdiction areas require you to stop what you’re doing and commence silly walking immediately until you have exited the jurisdiction.

People all over the world, like Liz Koto, are opening up jurisdictions near their homes.

Source: Frank Jaracz

The idea came from a Monthy Python skit called “Ministry of Silly Walks” where a civil servant is seen walking sillily into the ministry’s building where other civil servants are doing the same.

“Wherever they go during this skit they walk in very silly ways,” Koto explains.


So, the sidewalk in front of Koto’s home in now under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Silly Walks.

She placed a sign in front of the house advising passersby that they should abide by the rule of the jurisdiction and commence silly walking.

Before this, Koto had no idea that her neighborhood in Grosse Point Park, Michigan was filled with people who were really good at silly walking.

Her front door camera has been capturing all of her neighbors and their silly walking past her house on Yorkshire Road.

“The reactions have been so uplifting, so joyful and so happy,” Koto told WXYZ Detroit.

Since she was getting such a kick out of it, she figured other people would too.

That’s when Koto started the Yorkshire Silly Walks Instagram page.

It’s now got more than 54,700 followers.

“A couple came by and posted a photo onto her Facebook page and it went bonkers,” Koto explains.


Scott and Kara Shall decided to post a picture of their silly walk on Facebook.

It ended up going viral and was shared more than 56,000 times.

“In the comments, people are now posting photos of their sign, they have been inspired by it,” Kara Shall said.

Koto says that people from all over the world are reaching out to her to thank her for the inspiration and say that they are going to do the same thing.

Maureen Salmon has instituted her own Ministry of Silly Walks in front of her home in San Luis Obispo, California.

The silly walks in her neighborhood are recorded on her Ring camera and posted on their Instagram page slo.sillywalks.

“It brings so much joy and silliness, I think, especially in this time,” said Maureen Salmon told WCVB 5. “It helps us to see other people and interact with other people, obviously at a safe distance.”

“It’s fun to hear when our windows are open, people giggling and laughing and people kind of planning out their moves and I really think it’s uplifting people’s spirits right now.”


Even the original founder of the Ministry of Silly Walks, Monty Python’s John Cleese, has applauded Koto’s efforts to make people smile during such trying times.

“Bravo @yorkshire.silly.walks. This made me so happy to see,” he wrote on Instagram.

To which Kato replied: “The Ministry thanks you Mr. Teabag.”

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