Jim Carrey's 'daughter' looks and acts just like him
It really is uncanny how much she resembles him!
Michael Dabu

Have you ever wondered how it feels like to look like someone very popular?

If you haven’t, then let’s ask Heather Shaw

Heather Shaw is a comedian who bears a remarkable resemblance to the famous and award-winning actor Jim Carrey. Heather’s uncanny similarity to Jim Carrey has garnered attention and fascination among her fans and all over social media.

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YouTube Screenshot - Newsnercom

The 35 years old comedian has taken over TikTok with her Jim Carrey impersonation videos. Heather is also a proud lesbian and believe it or not, she doesn’t just look like Jim Carrey but also talks exactly like him.

Her similarity with “The Mask” star was beyond compare that she’s sometimes mistaken as the actor’s biological daughter.

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Instagram - jimcarrey__

Truth be told, she is not

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YouTube Screenshot - Newsnercom

Heather Shaw has revealed that she has looked like the famous comedy actor since she was eight years old. This uncanny similarity served as her inspiration to pursue a career in comedy. She hoped to share the same comedic prowess as her doppelganger.

During the pandemic, Heather decided to join TikTok, which was arguably the social media platform that became a hit during the quarantine period. Her initial plan was to convince people that she was Jim Carrey’s long-lost daughter. To her surprise, her videos gained significant popularity and quickly became a hit among viewers.

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Instagram - jimcarrey__

Her resemblance to Carrey, along with her ability to mimic his gestures and expressions, led many to believe that she was, indeed, his biological daughter.

Fate moves in mysterious ways

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Instagram - jimcarrey__

Fate played a humorous twist when Heather accidentally chipped her front tooth, resulting in an even stronger resemblance to Lloyd Christmas, the iconic character Carrey portrayed in the film “Dumb and Dumber.” This incident only further solidified her status as Jim Carrey’s lookalike.

One of the most commonly asked questions by her followers is whether Jim Carrey himself has seen her videos or if he is aware of his uncanny doppelganger. While the answer remains unknown, Heather jokingly expressed her desire to meet Carrey one day and to playfully greet him with a humorous “Hi, father!”

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YouTube Screenshot - Newsnercom

However, on a more serious note, she genuinely admires Carrey as an inspiration and comedy legend. She also expressed her heartfelt gratitude for his impact on her career and, of course, for looking exactly like him.

A social media star

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YouTube Screenshot - Newsnercom

Heather’s growing popularity on social media has led to invitations to television shows and interviews. It only further cemented her status as a notable figure in the comedy world. Fans and viewers eagerly await the day when Heather and Jim Carrey might cross paths.

Everyone is just ecstatic to witness the comedic chemistry that the two would ensue.

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Instagram - jimcarrey__

Above everything else, Heather Shaw’s remarkable resemblance to Jim Carrey has propelled her into the spotlight. And just like that, she garnered attention and opportunities in the comedy realm. As her journey continues to unfold, it remains to be seen if her comedic aspirations will intersect with the world-famous actor who serves as her comedic inspiration.

To know more about Jim Carrey’s “long lost daughter”, Heather Shaw, make sure to press that play button below.

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