Woman didn’t know she was expecting until she gave birth in bathtub alone
These two new parents have seriously taken surprise parenthood in stride! Imagine the surprise of suddenly delivering a baby!
Severin Lai

Okay so… this one is a wild ride. Buckle up! Pregnancy is one of those huge, life changing events that really shakes up just about every aspect of daily life, right? Well, I thought so too.

This new mother had no idea she was pregnant until she was giving birth!

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How, you might ask? Well, Cindy had basically zero indicators that she was at all pregnant for the full nine months, and if you have no reason to suspect you’re pregnant, you’re not going to visit the doctor or take a pregnancy test, right?

“There was no sign, there was no kicking. She just gained 10 pounds through the entire pregnancy.” -Chris, Cindy’s husband

For context if you need it, the average weight gained during a pregnancy is around 25-35 pounds, not 10!

She even still got her period every single month, which is usually the biggest tell! It’s totally strange.

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Apparently Cindy felt completely and utterly normal right up to when she started going into labour, which she mistook for cramps!

“I started getting cramps, so I got in the bathtub, as I normally would, and then, not even an hour later, he was here. I never felt like I had to push, but I did feel like my body was pushing and he came very quickly after that.”

Imagine giving birth that quickly and easily!

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With a pregnancy and delivery like that, people would rightfully be worried about the baby’s health, but apparently

Jaxson is perfectly healthy!

According to his parents he was totally awake and alert when he came into the world and never cried!

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After the birth, Cindy simply called an 911 and waited for an ambulance to come and pick her and her new baby boy up to take them to the hospital!

That’s right, Cindy was alone when she gave birth!

Chris was out visiting with family while she was in labour, and got a pretty shocking call once she reached the hospital.

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He initially thought Cindy was messing with him up until she video called him!

“She ended up facetiming me with the doctors and then that’s when it kind of just set in that hey she wasn’t making this up at all.”

Yeah, imagine receiving THAT call!

Surprise, you’re a dad!

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The new parents had to quickly adapt and catch up to the responsibilities of being parents and caretakers for a new life!

“We ended up making a baby registry, and we’ve just been getting packages after packages after packages.”

It’s really nice to hear that their friends and family have been looking out for them!

My favourite part of this whole story by far is this adorable and hilarious shirt that they have for their new baby. It has never been more relevant than it is right now!

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Cindy and Chris have said that people are apparently just as shocked and in disbelief as Chris was when they learn about the pregnancy, and that it takes a while for them to come around!

I can understand that, honestly. I would imagine that if my friends came to me, who seemed completely normal the month before, then told me they had a baby that was biologically theirs… My mind would immeditaely start racing to figure WTF happened. Did they adopt without telling me? Did I fall into a small time portal and not notice? Did they!?

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Regardless, these two parents now get to love their little miracle baby and grapple with surprise parenthood which they seem to be doing quite gracefully! You can check out the video below to see how they’re adjusting for yourself!

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