One of the biggest concerns that so many people have is their appearance and yet so many are not happy with the way they look
Cameron Russell

Cameron is a beautiful woman who says that she was fortunate to win the “genetic lottery” when it came to her looks.
Putting Her Looks To Good Use

Cameron has been a very successful model for over ten years.
This Model Makes An Important Point

Cameron was giving a talk and as she began her introduction she began to change her wardrobe.
Originally, Cameron appeared on stage in a short very chic black dress. Then she said the audience may not approve of the way she looked. So she began to transform her appearance.
The Transformation

She begins by draping the lower part of her dress with a large wrap-around, covers the top part with a sweater then proceeds to remove her high heel shoes and puts on flats.
The Low Down on Image

Cameron went through this exercise to prove a point.
She says that although image is powerful it is also superficial.
How People Look Impacts Their Lives
Cameron was giving this speech to deliver an impact by answering the questions that models are usally asked but with the intent of providing honest answers.
How Did She Become A Model?
The classic answer would be that she was scouted. But the honest answer is that she won the genetic lottery.
What is The Genetic Lottery?

Beauty is not just defined by health and youth but by having a tall slender body, being femine and being white. Non white models are in the minority.
Cameron’s Approach To Youngsters Aspiring to Be Models
Cameron often gets approached by youngsters who aspire to be models when they grown up. She often encourages them to follow other careers. She says becoming a model is akin to winning the powerball lottery.
The Model’s Resume Has An Impact
This model says that after awhile with modeling experience being a main factor on your resume that it doesn’t leave you much choice to say you want to do something else.
The Touch Ups

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Many are curious as to what touch-ups are done on the photoshoots for models. Cameron shows a stark comparison of her first photoshoot and how she had looked just a few months before this. She says that she hadn’t even started her menstrual cycle yet.
The bottom line is that the finished photos are constructions.
Free Stuff Because of How She Looks Not Because of Who She Is
Cameron talks about how her popularity has made her the recipient of free stuff. Like the time she went shopping for a dress and had forgotten her money, so they gave her the dress for free just because of who she was.
A Powerful Point

She emphasizes how looks have an impact when she tells the story of how in 2011 stats show that 140,000+ kids between 14 and 18 were stopped and frisked 86% of them were black or Latino.
Half of the Story

When a model reiterates what its like to be a model they will say it’s great to travel and work with inspiring people, but that is only half of the story. The other half is what Cameron has never said on camera and that is “ I am insecure” because her priority is what she looks like every day.
Cameron’s Struggle
Cameron struggled with this talk that she had to give because she wanted to be honest, which meant admitting that being a model doesn’t always make her happy. That she had to make a point of gender and racial oppression that is based on looks which modeling is, and she is one of the biggest beneficiaries of this.