Bed, Pillows, And Beyond
Arranging your bed in the morning is the first achievement accomplished in preparation for a long day of work. For some, it becomes a repetitive chore of having to make sure the sheets are aligned with the bed frame and making sure the pillows are set-up in a fashionable way that compliments the design. It’s a simple blueprint that most follow unless of course you haven’t tended to your bed in a long time and have just started to become acquainted with the process. That’s what happened to Joanne Sterling, who for the first time in 45 years put her husband Jim in command of making their bed. Joanne began taking photos of her husband’s daily arrangements and the result is nothing short of amusing.

Jim’s efforts seem to be pretty commendable. He does a great job of flattening the sheets and making sure they are evenly spread across the surface of the bed. The one struggle: the extra pillows. It seems that Jim is having a difficult time finding enough room for these extra pillows and it caused him to constantly rethink his approach. In one of the images, we see the pillows stacked on opposite sides of the bed as they tower to the shelf above it. Not sure what you were striving for in this one, Jim.

Then, we have Jim laying down the extra pillows in front of the main pillows in a straight line with the yellow pillows staying on the outer border. Props for the creative design Jim. It at least has a symmetrical pattern that is not too harsh on the eyes. In addition, the pattern seems to break the mold of having to stand the pillows upright, so kudos for the abstract thinking, Jim!

Well, if you can’t beat them, hide them! Jim took this approach to heart and hid the pillows behind the main pillows in his next masterpiece. He does a good job of concealing the extra pillows even if It seems like he’s attempting to construct some sort of pillow contraption in the same process. At least whoever sleeps on this arrangement won’t mind the extra neck and spine support from all the stacked cushion.

Here we have the pillow version of the Eiffel Tower. A great foundation in its base and impeccable layering of the pillows on top of each other to seal the deal. Regardless of whether it fits your description for as an acceptable bed arrangement, it’s arguably the greatest pillow structure of our time. Nice job there, Jim!

All this pillow work can get tiring, we get it. Having to constantly think of a way to fit such a complex assortment of pillows together for a cohesive design is really taxing on the mind. And that’s why Jim decided that enough was enough and did whatever any unvalued laborer does when he feels his voice plea should be heard: go on strike!

“Jim was put in charge of making the bed because I have always taken care of everything in the house while he was working. Now that we are retired, it’s time for him to pull his own weight around here!” Joanne said.
Jim decided to get creative and started using props like stuffed animals to add some spice to his work. This just keeps getting better and better!

He even made a little home for this fellow! The roof seems stable and the surrounding walls colored in yellow. This hilarious design really puts things into perspective after a 45-year hiatus of bed tending.

No bed décor can ever be complete without inflatable flamingos, right? Well, Jim came to the rescue with this refreshing, tropical display of the pink-feathered birds that add an exotic touch any bed should be proud to exhibit.

It seems that this is what happens when you go 45 years without realizing how a bed should be made. “We try to make our relationship last by making each other laugh. I’m so glad people have been able to relate during this difficult time.”
Cheers to many more made beds together!

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