It’s the little things in life that keep life interesting. These people found the strangest things and captured them for the whole world to see. You don’t see that everyday, and that’s what makes it so special!
1) Guess That Animal
Plot twist! It isn’t an animal at all, it’s a hat someone left on the edge of the forest. People stared for a long time trying to figure out what it was. Now that you know, you may recognize the pom poms.

2) Portal To Another World
This was found in the woods. It looks manmade but it was likely natural for the most part. I would be wary about going through it but wouldn’t be able to help myself. Let’s see where we’ll end up!

3) Always Check The Inside
Always check the bottom too! If you only saw the outside, you may give your boyfriend one heck of a shocker. He’ll be distraught for days and you won’t know why. Or he’ll say he wants one and surprise you even more!

4) Not A Cool Light
This may look like a nice ceiling light but it’s actually a balloon that got stuck in the ceiling light holes. It looks amazing and gives me design idea. Who wouldn’t buy balloon lights for their home?

5) Hey, That’s My Friend
There’s all kinds of things wrong with this photo. For one, Tigger is being taken away on a gurney. No one wants to see Tigger hurt. But no one is more surprised or concerned than his tiger buddy. Guess he’s not the only one.

6) The Chamber Of Secrets
This dorm’s lobby has a secret door. I bet you countless students have tried to find out what was behind it. I’m not sure if they ever found out but the mystery is more intriguing than the truth.

7) What A Friendly Driver
If you see this at the stoplight, you’ll probably smile and nod back. But when you see him driving along the road, not looking where he is going, then you’ll probably be nervous. What a strange sticker.

8) Gotta Have Shower Wine
If you’re a drinker and you’ve never drank in the shower, then you have plans for tonight. Do it. This wife and mother uses her showertime to get away and enjoy a bottle of her favorite cabernet sauvignon.

9) How’s He Driving?
This driver looks like he’s driving from the back seat. The more you look at it the more confusing it is. Just know that there are two people and you don’t need to try to understand what’s happening.

10) Deep In The Hundred Acre Woods
This little hut was found in the woods while trail riding. It might just be the sweetest little real life easter egg that I’ve ever seen. It looks so similar to the ones in the stories. Any Pooh fans in the house?

11) The Mushroom Forest
This is what a mushroom farm looks like. It’s just walls and walls of mushrooms. Someone was lucky enough to pay them a visit. It could be fun to walk through, a tunnel of fungi that is, however, it may smell just a little funny.

12) Agent 007
This mom was helping her five-year-old clean his room and found his “briefcase” loaded with everything that a secret agent could need. Do you think he was planning on running away or he has a double life?

13) Come As You Are
Even Buddhist monks like Nirvana, so don’t let others judge you. These amazing men seem to see things differently. Either these bags were donated or they just know good music when they hear it.

14) She Didn’t Expect That
Supposedly, this woman bought a Neutrogena face soap bar and got a $20 bill. That’s pretty darn lucky if you ask me. It might not be much but it gave her back the money she spent times ten!

15) Shoe Umbrella?
This is a little trippy at first, but once you get what’s happening, it’s just weird. I hope they caught this the moment that it did happen because walking around with your shoe like that for long would be annoying.

16) Who Needs A U-Haul?
Okay, so someone passed by this house that was moving to a new location. That’s stepping up the moving game. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy to pack up your house and move?

17) The Cutest Greenhouse
This wasn’t the greenhouse nature deserved, but it was the one that it got. Someone threw a bottle down outside the train station and created this little habitat. It’s the only green in the area.

18) That’s Not Haunted
Surely this old, abandoned Russian house in the woods isn’t haunted? Even the fog and dead trees suggests there’s nothing to be afraid of. This is straight out of a storybook and it’s not one to read at night.

19) Anyone Want A Whopper?
These malted milk balls look pretty tasty. Until you realize one of them is somoene’s head and then it just feels awkward. Yet strangely enough, everyone still wants malted milk balls. Go figure!

20) Her Secret Stash
There’s a very good chance that your wife is hiding something from you. There’s an even better chance that the thing she is hiding is chocolate. No one is going to check in the edamame bag!

21) Who Is The Odd One?
I’m not even sure who the strange one is here anymore. The man who is pretending to be Jesus in the wilderness or the kid who has had enough art for one day. They must be related.

22) Found His Glasses
This is probably the last place that you would look for your glasses. I understand dropping a ring in your bread dough and forgetting it. But losing your glasses in your baked good is something new.

23) He Didn’t Need A Costume
Why is this guy in a Mario costume when he’s a much more convincing Mario without it. If he just wore the hat then kids would think that they met the real life Mario and he could make a lot of bucks.

24) She Found Her Doppelganger
There’s a rumor that everyone has an old painting that looks exactly like them. If this is true then this lady found hers and yours is still out there. If not, then she’s just special…or a time traveler.

25) Fancy Meeting You Here
This roach kept trying to take over this guy’s kitchen, so he took him to work and gave him his own space. Now he lives in the breakroom and refuses to do any work. What a freeloader.

26) Ever Seen A Rainbow Swamp?
This couple was taking a walk through the woods when they saw this rainbow pond. Now that just might be the prettiest water that I’ve ever seen. The only thing that comes close is crystal clear water.

27) That’s Not A Human Shadow
The shadow that looks like a body is actually the shadow of the bull’s head. It seems impossible at first but once you start looking closely, you can see the arms are the horns, and so on.

28) Who Found Who?
Yeah, we know, that guy is tall. But you know what’s crazier? That girl behind this girl is of no relation and the two have never met. You never know what you’ll see at a Coldplay concert.

29) Rainbow Bridge
This tree is a place where you can remember your pets. You put their collar on it whenever they pass and it will never leave its place. That’s a sweet idea for people who need a way to grieve and remember.

30) Not My Grandkid’s Shoe
This grandmother found a size 20 shoe at Goodwill and thought it was the funnies thing ever. She immediately showed her grandaughter and likes to pretend that the shoe belongs to her super tall grandkids.

31) Almost Stepped On Bambi
This guy was just walking through the field and happened upon a baby deer. The deer was fast asleep and felt so comfortable that he didn’t notice someone approach. The poor thing could have been hurt.

32) This Is A Real Fossil
Perhaps there are more “fossils” out there than we thought. This dino has new teeth and beautiful eyes. If his head is this big now, his body must have been big enough to destroy this whole forest.

33) Hope He’s Okay
Somethign bad happened here, but it looks like he made it out somehow without leaving any further damage. If I were them, I’d leave this hole because it adds way too much character.

34) Slap That Bootie
This young lady felt something on her when she was using the toilet. She must have freaked when she saw what it was because anyone in their right mind would at first. At least it wasn’t a snake.

35) That’s A Little Whack
This is going to take a while to get used to. Then after you do get used to it, you’ll have to concentrate keep up. There used to be a huge pond here but it sinks every dry season. Now we’re left with this.

36) This Can’t Be Legal
I’m certain that this isn’t legal and that this guy doesn’t know what he’s doing. Unless he just wants the road to match him then he knows what he’s doing and it’s a horrible idea. No everyone will know it was him.

37) She Lost Her Spoon
I can almost see this happening. But I wonder if it was dropped in the bowl or in the pan. If it was in the bowl then I wonder how she didn’t notice it when she poured the batter into the pan.

38) Watching Out For You
Either this forest spirit is protecting the humans that hike his trails or he’s looking for his next meal. No matter what, I wouldn’t try doing any damage to any of the wildlife or you will definitely be dinner.

39) That’s Some Skills
They do Ninja Warrior and dog shows but have they ever thought about letting the real champions show us what they got? No, because it’s always those with real skills that really don’t care what you think.

40) Struck By Lightning
This dude was walking through the forest and came upon a tree that had just been struck by lightning. He called the Forest Service immediately, but made sure to take this picture before they arrived.

41) He Wasn’t Even Looking For It
This wife found her husband’s wedding ring at the bottom of a cereal box. That must have been quite a shocker! If she hadn’t looked before throwing the box away, it would have been lost forever.

42) This Means Something
Someone found old dog tags in a scrap metal pile in their woods. Charles Carpenter may be alive and he may not. But someone knows him and it would mean the world to them if they found these.

43) This Is True Art
This isn’t going in any museums but it’s still a work of art. Not just anyone can create something spectacular out of their breakfast but this person managed to do just that. Do you think it was planned?

44) You Have Been Chosen
SOmeone found a sword in Epping Forest in England and I’m pretty sure it is of great significance. The right person wields this and it is restored to its formal glory and will save the world.

45) Dog Skin Rug
That just doesn’t sound right. So let’s pretend they are a bear skin rug. They do look like one! This makes me want to get Golden Doodles, which is what these fluffy cuties are! And best friends at that.

46) What’s Down Below?
If there’s a tiny sprout in your seat, that means there’s roots, dirt, and probably mold growing underneath it. When is the last time this person cleaned their car? I’m going to guess never.

47) This Is A True Story
This family found a safe in their new house. When they opened it, they found a couple of keepsakes as well as thousands of dollars locked up. That’s something we all dream about and it actually happened to them!

48) Now You’re Trapped
Remember how games like Pokemon would let you slide around on ice or send you through boosts? This reminds me of those times, only this one is a trap. Once you slide through, there’s no going back.

49) Maybe They Didn’t Have A Dog
Most kids find a better way to hide the food they don’t want to eat. But these kids hid their veggies in the remote. Rumor has it, this isn’t the first veggie that they have hid around the house.

50) Pigeon Meeting Adjourned
These pidgeons look like they were having a very important meeting over lunch. Surely someone left a few fries for them because they seem to be enjoying themselves. Maybe they are talking about their days in Valiant.

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