News anchors bust out laughing over weatherman’s ‘swinging’ mix-up
He's got his head in the gutter and it's hilarious.
Laura Shallcross

We all have those moments where our brains let us down in the biggest way.

Whether it’s forgetting how to spell one of the most basic words in the dictionary or completely forgetting a word altogether, we’ve all been there. It’s known as a brain fart, and it’s equally embarrassing as it is annoying.


Forgetting one meaning of a homonym – a word with two meanings – can be awkward enough anyway, so imagine it happening live on air.

Jordan Witzel, the meteorologist for the Global Calgary morning show, did just that.

Global News/ YouTube
Global News/ YouTube

The show does a daily activity, which Jordan usually discusses during his weather report. On one particular morning, the chosen activity was “swinging.”

We all did a fair bit of swinging as kids. As in, the thing you do on swings. But Jordan’s mind was… well, it was elsewhere.

In the hilarious viral clip, the weather host is standing in his usual spot, attempting to read the forecast.


He begins:

“Ahh… it’s nice this morning. Your participatory…”

Global News/ YouTube
Global News/ YouTube

But he can’t finish, and instead cuts himself off with a nervous laugh and a defeated shrug, before adding:


“I can’t do this … What?”

We all know where Jordan’s train of thought has taken him. He has clearly misinterpreted the meaning of “swinging”.

All sense of logic – and the knowledge that his producers would only ever suggest “swinging” in the innocent sense – has clearly failed him.

For a second, he can only stand there, scratching his head and looking dumbfounded.

Global News/ YouTube
Global News/ YouTube

The poor guy looks like he’s waiting for someone to jump up and admit that this is all just an April Fools… and a late one, at that, considering this was aired in June.

When nobody offers any sort of divine intervention, he attempts to piece things together, saying:

“Go to the dollar store and get a fishbowl …”

Global News/ YouTube
Global News/ YouTube

And then, finally, it hits.


“Oh, swinging at a playground!”

Global News/ YouTube
Global News/ YouTube

By this point, his co-hosts Scott Fee and Amber Schinkel have lost it, and can only chuckle into their hands from behind their desk.

In an attempt to reassure Jordan that he’s not completely mad, Scott says tentatively:

“Yeah, I know what you’re talking about, unfortunately.”


After a brief, awkward silence, Jordan sighs deeply, and we think he’s finally going to switch back to his weather reporting.

But he can’t help squeezing in an extra bit of humor.

“So either way, you get your activity in for the day, I guess.”

Global News/ YouTube
Global News/ YouTube

To which Scott replies:


“Well, good cardio.”

Poor Amber can only laugh at her co-workers and ask, “Really?”, while Scott loses himself so much that he has to turn away from the camera altogether.

Get it together, guys!

Global News/ YouTube
Global News/ YouTube

We knew already that the Global Calgary morning show is something that shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

This team also brought us the delightful “Holiday artichoke-dip goes wrong” video from back in 2016, in which one of the presenters brought in an artichoke dip that tasted so bad, it had her fellow presenters gagging in disgust.

Global News/ YouTube
Global News/ YouTube

In the comments beneath the “swinging video”, people were quick to point out that nothing, in fact, has been the same since the rancid artichoke dip incident.

Unsurprisingly, the video has racked up a staggering 9 million views since it was posted.

If you’re just looking for a bit of laughter to get you through the day, you won’t go wrong with this!

Check it out just below – and don’t forget to send it forward to your friends!


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