Seven Ways To Know Someone Cares For You
Chesney McDonald

In life, getting to know people can be scary, invigorating and truly life-changing. When we first meet these people, becoming closer to them is a gradual process, and can often be confusing to know when you’re really in their inner circle; that special personal space we all have in our lives that only the most significant people can infiltrate. It can be really hard sometimes to know when you’re truly in people’s hearts and minds, but there are a few key clues to tell you if you’re in there.

Here are seven ways you can tell if you’re in someone’s heart and mind.

Molly Champion from Pexels
Molly Champion from Pexels

1. They begin copying you.

Have you ever noticed when you start spending a lot of time around someone you like, how you can pick up even small phrases, mannerisms or even fashion styles form them without even trying to? Well, this can be a subconscious way of connecting with these people. Quite often though, people can feel like you’re stealing their style or their look, but it’s actually an opportunity to feel flattered. So if you ever notice that someone has picked up a habit of yours, you may just be on their mind more than they let on!

Djim Loic on Unsplash
Djim Loic on Unsplash

2. They stay connected with you.

It’s all too easy to take for granted the amount of attention someone gives you when it’s mostly through things like social media. In a world where we’re ever-connected, it feels like all the people around you are always so accessible. Just remember, that if someone is always reaching out, and will often make that first move, it’s a good sign that they’re thinking about you. It may even be as simple as that person sending you all their favorite memes. Don’t take it for granted, it may be the reassurance you’re looking for.

JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

3. They think about you in their futures.

This could be overt, such as talking with your S.O. about the eventuality of moving in together, or in more subtle hints. Even little things like referencing activities to do next year, or dropping a casual “I can’t wait for us to do etc.” This shows that someone is planning on keeping you around, even if it’s just for the foreseeable future.

Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels
Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

4. It’s not always about personal pride.

One of the key indicators of a toxic relationship is that the manipulator will always try to swing things to be your fault. That’s because to them, it’s more important to be right, than to resolve the actual problem. When someone worthwhile truly has you on their mind, they can take the blame for things when necessary. This communicates that they would rather build a relationship based on truth and mutual wellbeing.

Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

5. They want to share things with you.

It’s a natural human instinct to want to share everything that you love with the people that you love too. Music, TV shows, food, whatever it is, it’s totally normal to want to share all of that with people that you care about. Pay attention to what people are trying to show you, as this is a way of expressing that they want to connect with you over the things they love. Try to remain receptive and open minded, as showing you things may be a way of making themselves vulnerable to you.

Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

6. They’re always complementing you.

Ok, this one is a bit of a no-brainer. When someone is paying you plenty of complements, they either fancy you or they’re afraid of you. Let’s presume though that it’s the former, and remember that it’s not a sin to accept compliments. It’s really hard for some people to accept them past their instinct to self-deprecate, but as with trying to share their favorite things, they are making themselves vulnerable in paying you a complement. Accepting that compliment is healthy.

Andi Risam Triangga from Pexels
Andi Risam Triangga from Pexels

7. They are interested in everything about you.

When someone starts drilling you for all the details of your interests, your past, your job or family, remember that they may not be quizzing you, but could really be genuinely interested in you. They want to know what makes you tick, what you like or don’t. Wanting to know more about someone is one of the highest forms of flattery.

cottonbro from Pexels
cottonbro from Pexels

How else can you tell if you’re in someone’s heart?

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